ARK: Survival Evolved / Personnages

 ARK: Survival Evolved / Personnages

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Anciens survivants

John Dahkeya est un chef de gang et un voleur. Il semble être du Texas / Arizona du «Far West» du 19ème siècle.

Exprimé par: Amber Lee Connors (ARK: Survival Evolved), Madeleine Madden (ARK: La série animée)

Helena Walker est la créatrice des dossiers Dino. Elle semble être une biologiste de l’Australie moderne avec ses notes écrites en anglais.

  • Ascended Extra: Bien qu’elle joue un rôle important dans la trame de fond du jeu, elle est principalement apparue dans les entrées de journal et n’a fait une apparition physique que la fin d’Extinction mais Genesis a sa place dans une construction Robot Buddy pour voyager avec et aider le survivant.
  • Élevé à un plan d’existence supérieur: Installe ce qui semble être soit un fragment de surveillant, soit une autre construction ARK dans son implant spécimen, acquérant ainsi d’immenses connaissances et le pouvoir de repousser brièvement le roi Titan. Après que Mei Yin l’ait amenée au tombeau de l’Ascension, elle devient une Homo Deus (probablement via Brain Uploading), survivant à la mort de son corps et migrant d’une manière ou d’une autre dans l’implant spécimen du joueur, ne se révélant qu’après la mort du roi Titan.
  • Badass Bookworm: Elle est la créatrice des Dino Dossiers, une biologiste accomplie, et comme le montrent à la fois les notes de l’explorateur et la série animée, elle est pleinement capable de se débrouiller dans un combat.
  • Piédestal brisé: elle a le cœur brisé par ce qu’est devenue son amie et mentor Edmund Rockwell.
  • Covers Always Lie: Word of God est que la carabine chevauchant un rapace sur la couverture du jeu original est Helena. À aucun moment sur l’une des ARK, elle ne monte un rapace, et elle n’a pas d’entraînement au pistolet jusqu’à ce que Aberration.
  • Proximité de la gentillesse: a tendance à se glisser là-dedans lorsqu’elle est confrontée à une créature particulièrement mignonne, en particulier les Jerboas et les Shinehorns.
  • Vous venez de frapper Cthulhu?: Après fusion du prisme TEK avec son implant, elle parvient à chasser le King Titan.
  • Sortez avec un sourire: elle apparemment brûle (en prenant votre implant avec elle) alors qu’elle regarde le lever du soleil sur une Terre sans élément qu’elle craignait de ne jamais vivre pour voir. La bande-annonce de Genesis Part 1 indique qu’elle est toujours là, mais incapable d’agir.

Mei-Yin Li est un guerrier chinois; ses notes ont pour thème des poèmes anciens et sont écrites en chinois traditionnel. Elle semble être de l’ère des Trois Royaumes, après la rébellion des Turbans Jaunes en Chine.

Gaius Marcellus Nerva est un centurion romain qui a écrit ses notes en latin.

  • L’élu: Nerva se considère choisi par les dieux pour transformer les survivants de l’Arche en une armée de conquête pour Rome. À partir de Extinction révélant que toute la Terre a été corrompue par Element et les ARK créaient une armée pour la nettoyer par la force, il n’a pas tort.
  • Comme un canard prend l’eau: une fois que les armes à feu lui ont été expliquées, il commence facilement à les utiliser.
  • Bâtard manipulateur: En réalisant que le mercenaire engagé par les Painted Sharks, Mei Yin, est plus puissant que l’armée de la Nouvelle Légion, Nerva utilise le sabotage pour convaincre les Sharks que Mei Yin les a trahis. Une fois qu’ils l’ont chassée, ils sont des proies faciles. Il joue également Helena et Rockwell les uns contre les autres pour obtenir des informations des deux.
  • Renommer significatif: La tribu qu’il a conquise n’est pas mentionnée par son nom, mais comme Nerva les réintègre dans son armée, ils se renomment « La Nouvelle Légion ».
  • Visionnaire Villain: Nerva est sincère quant à son désir d’unifier l’île et de s’établir comme l’empereur d’un Pax Arcum, ce qui, selon Rockwell, n’est pas une très mauvaise idée.

Une prêtresse égyptienne antique.

  • Pacifiste actuel: Au début, Raia considère le pacifisme comme une exigence de sa foi. Une fois que cela fait d’elle une cible pour les criminels et que John Dahkeya tire même la reddition pour sa défense, Raia le convainc de lui donner une formation de base au tir de précision afin qu’elle puisse se défendre avec le moins de pertes de vie possible.
  • Tension sexuelle belliqueuse: Avec John Dahkeya, en raison de leurs points de vue opposés.
  • Cool Old Lady: Entre la destruction de la ville et l’arrivée d’Helena à Scorched Earth, Raia a soulevé un vol de wyvernes et est devenu un ermite / justicier itinérant. Helena décrit Raia comme une personne âgée, mais en bonne santé et intelligente.
  • L’oeil d’Horus signifie l’Egypte: le symbole pour elle Notes de l’explorateur est l’Œil d’Horus malgré le fait que sa véritable divinité protectrice est Hathor et plus tard, Sekhmet.
  • Bon Pasteur: Raia enseigne la foi de son peuple à ceux qu’elle rencontre sur la Terre brûlée, dirige ceux qu’elle convertit dans le culte et la charité, et devient un chef non officiel de la ville.
  • Survivor Guilt: Parce qu’elle a conduit les habitants à adorer les obélisques et ignoré les avertissements de John, Raia se blâme pour la destruction de la ville par le pouvoir des obélisques.

Sir Edmund Rockwell a écrit les recettes pour les consommables et les croquettes, mais il est surtout connu pour son Mindwipe Tonic. Il semble être un chimiste du 19ème siècle à Londres, avec ses notes écrites en anglais de style cursif.

  • 100% Adoration Rating: D’après ce que nous tirons de ses notes d’explorateur (et d’Helena), il est très respecté sur l’île principale, et être ami avec lui peut amener quelqu’un très loin lorsqu’il est confronté à d’autres tribus.
  • Grand méchant: Of Genesis Part 1 avec le contrôleur maître corrompu agissant comme un proxy et un autre plus direct dans la partie 2. En tenant compte des notes de l’explorateur, il est à la toute l’histoire, car il est directement responsable de nombreuses difficultés que les anciens survivants et les joueurs ont / ont dû affronter.
  • Dragon leurs pieds / Dragon Ascendant: Le Stinger le montre en train de planter l’Aberration ARK sur Terre après la défaite du King Titan.
  • Driven to Madness: L’étude de la nature des arcs et de l’élément rend finalement Rockwell fou.
  • Face-Heel Turn: Commence comme un chimiste et inventeur jovial et excentrique qui se retrouve enchaîné dans la Nouvelle Légion. Mais progressivement, il est rendu fou et possessif par les effets des obélisques et de l’Élément, avec l’implication qu’il a été soumis à un type d’empoisonnement aux radiations qui a altéré son esprit.
  • Erreur fatale: Son besoin de s’entourer d’adeptes, comme le montre son boss se bat, alors qu’il reste simplement exactement au même endroit et vous attaque à partir de là. De plus, Pride, comme lui étant exclu de une L’expédition Helena a immédiatement et définitivement aigri sa relation avec elle et l’a mis sur la voie de devenir le monstre littéral et figuratif qu’il est maintenant.
  • Un ange ailé: Sa forme grotesque « ascensionnée » est le boss final de Aberration. Tout comme son apparence en tant que boss final de Genèse Partie 1.
  • Glissement de la raison: la relecture de ses notes dans l’ordre chronologique montre que Rockwell devient de plus en plus égoïste (île), puis paranoïaque (Terre brûlée), et enfin maniaque (Aberration) en raison de son exposition à l’Élément.
  • Méchant de plus grande portée: le moindre des 2 du scénario, l’autre étant le Colosse / Roi Titan. Le Titan a le plus grand effet sur le scénario, mais Rockwell est le plus grand méchant d’Aberration et vraisemblablement de la Terre après la mort du titan, car il provoque les tremblements de terre et contrôle les moissonneurs et sans nom en raison de son statut de surveillant de l’Arche.
    • Les bandes-annonces de la deuxième partie de Genesis et la série animée semblent le construire comme une seule pour la franchise dans son ensemble.
  • A God Am I: Sa lente descente dans la folie commence par la paranoïa et se termine par des élucubrations qui équivalent à ce trope. Pris à 11 quand il s’injecte enfin pour «monter» proclamant alors qu’il s’injecte qu’il est un dieu impitoyable imparable. Dès qu’il se transforme, il ne perd pas de temps à attaquer la ville dans laquelle il résidait pour tester son nouveau pouvoir.
    • La bande-annonce de Genesis Part 2 est essentiellement une minute et demie de Rockwell invoquant ce trope.
  • Pas ce genre de médecin: au début Terre brûlée, il est recruté de force par les habitants pour aider à un accouchement en raison de son titre. Oops!
  • Le Stinger: Après avoir tué l’Alpha Titan King, la scène de bonus post-crédits zoome sur l’obélisque corrompu de l’ARK Aberrant, qui a quand même réussi à atterrir malgré ses lourds dégâts. Rockwell rugit de triomphe alors que la lueur violette contaminée se rallume: il est toujours en vie, et il vient d’apporter une nouvelle contamination aux éléments sur Terre. Poussé encore plus loin que certains auditeurs passionnés peuvent entendre les mots « je viens pour toi » au milieu de son rugissement.
  • Soudainement exprimé: Il parle enfin clairement dans la bande-annonce de Genesis Part 2.
  • Dissonance vocale: Sa voix dans la bande-annonce de Genesis Part 2 sonne remarquablement comme humaine bien qu’il soit une immense horreur eldritch. Cependant, il y a une certaine Voix de la Légion présente. Évité dans la bande-annonce de la série animée, car cela se produit avant qu’il ne se transforme en raison de l’injection d’élément.

Un soldat des forces spéciales du 24ème siècle, où l’humanité avait utilisé Element pour inaugurer un âge d’or de la technologie. Il était un chef de tribu sur la station qui deviendrait plus tard l’Arche Aberrante, utilisant sa connaissance de TEK pour accélérer le développement de sa tribu, et était aussi apparemment l’architecte de la porte du portail qui est utilisée pour échapper au réseau ARK. Bien qu’il soit l’un des survivants les mieux préparés et familiarisé avec la plupart des machines Tek qu’il rencontre, il ne sait pas non plus comment il est monté sur les ARK.

  • Mauvais avenir: il vient en fait d’un bon futur, où Element était encore relativement sûr et utilisé pour tout révolutionner, de la vie domestique à la guerre … mais après avoir vu le paysage ravagé autour du sanctuaire, il arrive à la sombre conclusion que, fidèle à sa forme historique, ses L’avenir a réussi à se foutre avec une surutilisation prolongée des armes Element et TEK, créant l’esprit de ruche corrompu et Element purement par horrible accident.
  • Cloning Blues: évité. Tout comme Helena, après avoir appris que le réseau ARK a atteint à travers le temps pour les cloner et tout le monde, avec les souvenirs de l’original intacts, il choisit d’embrasser ses connaissances et son histoire héritées.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: A dirigé sa tribu et plusieurs autres personnes lors d’un raid à grande échelle sur la plate-forme d’observation de leur ARK. Lorsque le surveillant local s’est activé et a riposté, il a choisi de faire exploser une énorme bombe à base d’élément. Cela a fait exploser la plate-forme, coupant le bras de la station auquel elle était attachée en deux et détruisant presque complètement les boucliers atmosphériques de l’ARK. Le rayonnement solaire a rapidement stérilisé la surface, obligeant toute vie à creuser sous terre, et les réserves d’éléments de la station étaient également une victime apparente, provoquant les lacs massifs de celle-ci au fond des grottes. Santiago non seulement créé l’Arche Abberant, il a paralysé l’IA de la station, qui a permis à Ascended Rockwell de l’assimiler et de devenir le nouveau superviseur.
  • La Fédération: faisait partie d’une armée pour celle qui couvrait la majeure partie de la Terre. Il est à peu près certain que ce sont des années de guerre avec une faction rivale qu’il appelle l’URE qui a provoqué la contamination de l’Élément couvrant maintenant la planète.
  • Humongous Mecha: sa réponse aux corrompus et aux titans. Lorsque le King Titan montre son visage pour la première fois, sa réponse à cela est un mécha encore plus grand formé à partir de quatre du modèle original.
  • Last Stand: en exécute une pour permettre à Helena, Mei Yin et au reste des survivants de s’échapper lorsque le camp corrompu attaque le camp Omega. Les joueurs peuvent trouver l’épée de son Mek poignardée dans le sol dans une section du sanctuaire, une pierre tombale laissée par Diane.
  • That Man Is Dead: Dans la bande-annonce d’Ark II, une autre incarnation de Santiago arrête un pod contenant ses données biologiques, choisissant plutôt de vivre en dehors de son passé et de l’homme qu’il était.

    «Les lumières s’éteignent, mon vieil ami.


Ces grands carnivores se trouvent en pack de trois ou plus. Le membre de la meute avec le niveau le plus élevé est le chef de meute, qui reçoit un boost de pack unique (identifiable par une aura rouge). Bien que dépourvu de la vitesse du Carnotaure et la puissance brute du Tyrannosaure, ils sont un bon compromis entre les deux et leurs attaques infligent des dégâts saignants.

  • Jingoïsme animal: Le Allosaurela nourriture préférée de Diplodocus des œufs. Convient, compte tenu de la fréquence à laquelle ces espèces sont (peut-être à juste titre) représentées comme des ennemis.
  • Épée Infinity -1: Bien qu’elle ne soit pas aussi forte que le Rex ou le Giga sur une base individuelle, Allosaure peut faire la différence avec son bonus de pack et convient tout aussi bien aux boss de combat.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Sauvage Allosaure sont nettement plus rapides que la nature T. rex ou Carnotaure (le Carno a un sprint plus rapide, mais le Allosaure maintient une vitesse élevée sur une distance beaucoup plus longue); pire encore, ils viennent toujours en paquets d’au moins 3.
  • Commandant Mook: Le membre du pack de plus haut niveau agit comme ceci, ayant un « boost de pack » qui lui donne un certain degré d’autorité sur les autres membres de la meute.
  • Carnivore végétarien: joué avec une manière bizarre. Bien sûr, un sauvage Allosaure se comportera comme n’importe quel autre carnivore du jeu, attaquant tout ce qu’il considère comme une proie, et un homme apprivoisé n’acceptera que de la viande pour se nourrir. Cependant, les croquettes préférées de ce dino (faites à partir de Diplodocus oeufs) est l’une des rares croquettes du jeu dont la liste d’ingrédients n’inclut pas la viande, cette dernière étant remplacée par fleurs! Peut-être que la description des fleurs disant que leur odeur «vous met un peu en colère» laisse entendre que celles-ci contiennent beaucoup de substances normalement présentes dans la viande? Évité après que la mise à jour de Homestead ait changé le fonctionnement des croquettes; Allosaure préfère maintenant les croquettes d’œufs de qualité supérieure, faites avec de la viande séchée de première qualité.
  • Utilisez votre tête: le AllosaureL’attaque principale ressemble plus à un coup de tête qu’à une morsure, et fait un signe distinctif bruit sourd son lors de la connexion avec la victime. Un cas probable de vérité à la télévision – les scientifiques croient Allosaure avait des muscles de la mâchoire relativement faibles mais un cou fort, et pouvait utiliser son front comme matraque pour maîtriser sa proie.
  • Zerg Rush: Allosaure fonctionnent mieux en tant que groupe, ce qui leur permet de détruire les ennemis beaucoup plus rapidement qu’un Rex solo.

Ankylosaure sont une vue assez courante sur l’île, apparaissant souvent en petits groupes. Leur principale valeur d’apprivoisement provient de leur capacité à briser la roche avec leurs queues, permettant aux joueurs d’amasser du silex, du métal et de la pierre.

  • Talon d’Achille: Recul. Sa vitesse terrestre pathétique (l’une des plus lentes du jeu) combinée à une portée relativement courte permet à quiconque possédant une lance ou un brochet de tuer facilement un Anky sauvage simplement en poussant son nez et en reculant.
  • Méfiez-vous de ma queue de Stinger: Il a une queue matraquée qui peut percer la roche.
  • Gracieux dans leur élément: inversé. Ils sont étonnamment compétents dans l’eau malgré leurs corps blindés et peuvent nager plus vite qu’ils ne peuvent courir.
  • Faune égarée: elle apparaît fréquemment dans le biome des neiges pour des raisons inconnues.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Bien que loin d’être petit, l’Anky est beaucoup plus petit que la plupart des animaux puissants comme les Brontos et Rexes. De par sa taille, vous ne le devinerez jamais, mais ce petit gars est tout aussi dur et fort qu’un Spino.
  • Aussi forts qu’ils doivent l’être: malgré ses statistiques impressionnantes pour sa taille, l’utilisation principale d’un apprivoisé Ankylosaure n’est pas un combat (la créature est extrêmement lente et toujours pas assez bonne par rapport aux chars traditionnels pour compenser cette faiblesse) mais exploite des roches, en extrait du silex, de la pierre, du métal et de l’obsidienne (et de l’huile si vous vous sentez assez aventureux pour prenez-le sous l’eau ou dans le biome de neige). Cependant, l’Ankylo est incapable d’endommager les structures en pierre – ces maisons délabrées fabriquées à partir des mêmes roches, à peine maintenues ensemble par chaume si leur recette de fabrication est quelque chose à passer. Particulièrement étrange étant donné que le Dunkleosteus, le dernier mineur de roche ajouté au jeu, peut effectuer cette tâche avec peu de problèmes si nécessaire.

Ces dinosaures semi-aquatiques se trouvent principalement dans les marécages, où ils chassent normalement les poissons et autres animaux aquatiques. Un apprivoisé Baryonyx porte ses compétences pour chasser le poisson, se déplacer rapidement entre la terre et l’eau et effectuer un puissant étourdissement de la queue sous l’eau.

  • Talon d’Achille: Bien que le profil élégant et la taille inférieure à la moyenne de ce dinosaure lui confèrent une agilité et une maniabilité impressionnantes, ils sont également accompagnés d’une piqûre dans la queue. Les attaques de créatures plus grosses lancent un Baryonyx à travers les airs. Pire encore, il est suffisamment petit pour qu’un survivant astucieux puisse utiliser un simple bola pour attacher ses jambes pour une mise à mort ou un KO facile. Même un Argentavis tenu par un joueur peut choisir un Baryonyx avec les griffes et emporter le dinosaure à sa perte, ou tout simplement le picorer à mort dans les airs. Baryonyx est le seul carnivore terrestre plus grand qu’un Smilodon/Utahraptor d’avoir cette faiblesse, donc si son affinité avec l’eau ne vous est d’aucune utilité, mieux vaut apprivoiser quelque chose de plus grand, comme un Carnotaure.
    • Le régime piscivore du dinosaure peut également être considéré comme une faiblesse. Pour les plus grandes tribus, cela signifie que vous devez soit rassembler de la nourriture pour votre animal de compagnie Baryonyx séparément de la nourriture pour d’autres créatures ou utiliser de la viande de poisson pour tous les carnivores apprivoisés, qui, tout en durant plus longtemps sans se gâter, a également une valeur nutritionnelle beaucoup plus faible que la viande ordinaire et doit donc être récoltée en plus grandes quantités. Pendant ce temps, les joueurs à la recherche d’un spécimen sauvage de haut niveau peuvent se retrouver déçus après avoir apprivoisé cette créature: si vous ne possédez pas ses croquettes préférées, vous devrez utiliser de la viande de poisson pour l’apprivoiser, ce qui entraînera un horrible perte d’efficacité d’apprivoisement et donc de niveaux bonus qui sont la raison même pour laquelle vous recherchez des animaux sauvages de haut niveau en premier lieu.
  • Méfiez-vous de ma queue de Stinger: Uniquement pour un carnivore, quand un Baryonyx (peu importe si sauvage ou apprivoisé) pénètre dans un plan d’eau suffisamment profond pour qu’il nage plutôt que de marcher, une attaque secondaire par balayage de la queue est activée. Tout autre joueur ou créature (non allié) pris dans la zone d’effet initiale ne pourra pas agir, y compris les prédateurs alpha, et le dinosaure peut effectuer cette attaque aussi souvent qu’il ou son cavalier le souhaite, ce qui entraîne …
  • Cycle of Hurting: Les joueurs et les créatures capturés par le coup de queue sont complètement à la merci inexistante de l’attaquant, sans parler d’un risque très probable de noyade. La seule chose qui peut forcer le Baryonyx arrêter le cycle en plus de la mort est-il de s’évanouir à cause de la perte d’endurance / des tranquillisants.
  • Gameplay et séparation des histoires: le dossier massivement sous-estime la menace que ce dino représente pour les survivants. Non seulement il n’a aucun problème à attaquer tout ce qui est suffisamment petit (y compris les humains) sur terre; engager un Baryonyx en eau profonde équivaut souvent au suicide grâce au cycle de souffrance susmentionné. De nombreux survivants ont été tués par ce frêle dinosaure lors de sa sortie initiale, simplement parce qu’il sous-estimait son pouvoir.
  • Épée Infinity -1: Il est à peu près à égalité avec un Carnotaurus en termes d’efficacité au combat, bien qu’il ne soit que légèrement plus grand qu’un Raptor.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Le Baryonyx est à peu près aussi dur qu’un Carnotaure, mais beaucoup plus rapide, capable de rattraper facilement même les joueurs de construction de vitesse de haut niveau qui peuvent distancer sans effort les Raptors, les Carnos et T. rex.
  • Sous-estimer Badassery: peut et exploitera cela pour vous avoir pour le déjeuner. Cela se produit principalement en raison du gameplay et de la ségrégation de l’histoire mentionnés ci-dessus, mais les nouveaux joueurs qui n’ont aucune idée de ce qu’est un « dossier de dinosaure » peuvent tout de même tomber dans ce piège à cause de la relative inoffensive de la créature.

Ces mastodontes sont un spectacle relativement commun à travers l’île en raison de leur manque de prédateurs. Les Brontos domestiqués utilisent leur taille à leur avantage, permettant aux tribus de transporter d’énormes quantités de ressources et de les utiliser comme bêtes de guerre. Les joueurs peuvent construire des selles de plate-forme sur le dos de ces géants pour les transformer en bases mobiles.

  • Méfiez-vous de ma queue de dard: il attaque en utilisant sa queue comme un fouet.
  • Épée Infinity -1: Seul le dinosaure sur terre avec une attaque de mêlée plus puissante est le Giganotosaure et Titanosaure, qui le lie avec le Tyrannosaure. Il a également certains des HP les plus élevés du jeu, une excellente attaque et une excellente portée de collecte; et peut recevoir une selle plate-forme sur laquelle construire.
  • Pièce maîtresse sauvage: sans doute la plus extrême cas de ce trope dans le jeu (Titanosaure peut être plus extrême, mais c’est trop rare pour être considéré comme une véritable pièce maîtresse). Compte tenu de sa tendance à apparaître près des lieux d’apparition des survivants de départ, il n’est pas rare qu’un nouveau joueur sur un serveur apparaisse juste à côté d’un Brontosaure ou même entre ses pieds, mais tant que cette merveilleuse bête reste calme, elle ne peut pas nuire aux humains. Cependant, cela change très rapidement une fois qu’un Bronto est touché par à peu près n’importe quoi: il charge ses attaquants, balançant sa queue à gauche et à droite, et dans cet état, il est non seulement capable d’écraser tout ce sur quoi il marche, mais il peut anéantir des maisons en bois et groupes de joueurs en quelques secondes. Heureusement, ces géants sont très faciles à distancer, ce qui dans la plupart des cas est le seul moyen pour un joueur à pied de survivre à ses représailles.
  • Walking Tank: Étant donné une selle de plate-forme entièrement blindée, des tourelles et des armes de siège, et un équipage pour le piloter, le Bronto devient essentiellement l’équivalent en jeu de l’Imperial AT-AT Walker. Sauf qu’ici, il n’y a pas de vaisseau spatial pour livrer le dinosaure aux lignes de front. Le déploiement peut être simplifié en téléchargeant la créature dans une caisse de ravitaillement ou un obélisque et en téléchargeant à partir d’un autre objet proche de l’ennemi, alors construire une base sur son dos, mais cela a des inconvénients évidents.

Ce théropode de taille moyenne à grande et très dangereux est facilement identifiable par sa tête émoussée et ses petites cornes. Il est étonnamment rapide pour son volume, un trait très apprécié par les joueurs suffisamment expérimentés pour éviter d’être mangé par un seul.

  • Talon d’Achille: Cette superbe monture bien arrondie peut absolument paralyser son maître avec sa lente régénération d’endurance, interdisant de s’échapper d’un combat impossible à gagner que le cavalier aurait pu initialement mal juger.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: à égalité avec le Thérizinosaurus (qui est plus fort mais plus facile à éviter), le Carnotaure est l’animal le plus dangereux qui parcourt les zones que de nombreux nouveaux joueurs appellent chez eux, comme les îlots du sud ou le Footpaw sur la carte classique. Lorsque vous ou votre tribu avez un moyen de vaincre ces bêtes, vous pouvez vous sentir en grande partie en sécurité dans la zone immédiate de votre base (à condition qu’elle soit construite dans l’un de ces endroits), ce qui signifie que vous avez pratiquement battu la première étape du défi PvE fourni par ce jeu: la survie au jour le jour, également connu sous le nom de Early Game Hell.
  • Épée Infinity -1: ne frappe pas aussi fort que le Tyrannosaure ou Spinosaurus, mais a toujours des dommages et un volume respectables, et est beaucoup plus facile à loger.
  • King Mook: L’Alpha Carno est une version plus grande, plus rapide et plus forte de la version régulière Carnotaure, également capable de polir d’autres prédateurs à proximité. En tant que tel, il faut beaucoup plus d’efforts pour en tuer un, mais si vous parvenez à le réussir, vous serez récompensé par une grande prime d’expérience, un tas de viande de première qualité crue et éventuellement des outils et des armes de haute qualité.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Helena l’appelle même le guépard du lion du Rex, une bête avec un sprint incroyable mais de longs temps d’arrêt entre les courses. Heureusement, cela signifie que les versions sauvages peuvent être devancées par les survivants de niveau intermédiaire avec une vitesse de déplacement raisonnablement améliorée.
  • Stock de dinosaures
  • Utilisez votre tête: son attaque secondaire est un coup de tête qui a un recul plus puissant, mais qui est par ailleurs identique à l’attaque principale, infligeant le même montant de dégâts et même récoltant des cadavres!

Le plus petit dinosaure du jeu, un Compy solitaire n’est qu’un adorable petit observateur. Cependant, un Compy peut finir par attirer plus de son genre, les rendre tous vicieux et leur donner un coup de pouce. Ceux qui apprivoisent les compies les apprivoisent en masse pour utiliser la même mentalité de foule contre les ennemis.

  • Animaux pas à l’échelle: étonnamment évités – les compys sont à peu près aussi gros qu’ils l’étaient dans la vie réelle, bien qu’ils correspondent au plus grand spécimen français plutôt qu’à celui plus typiquement allemand – plus proche de la taille d’une dinde que d’un poulet.
  • Feathered Fiend: Il a quelques plumes sur la tête.
  • Picky Eater: Lors de l’apprivoisement d’un Compy, le seul aliment qu’il acceptera est la viande crue de première qualité et (depuis le Ovis a été ajouté au jeu) mouton cru. La viande crue ordinaire, ou tout ce qui est cuit, ne fonctionnera pas.
  • Stock de dinosaures
  • Zerg Rush: Les compies deviennent plus agressifs en fonction du nombre d’individus réunis, gagnant ainsi un petit bonus de dégâts, et un Mate Boost si les deux sexes sont présents.

Une vue commune et une nuisance en début de partie, les Dilos possèdent la capacité de cracher du venin aveuglant sur les créatures qu’ils considèrent comme des proies. Ils sont un premier apprivoisé populaire parmi les nouveaux survivants.

  • Animaux non à l’échelle: souffre de parc jurassique mise à l’échelle et est d’environ un quart de la taille qu’il devrait être.
  • Putain de chauves-souris: alors qu’un Dilo peut fournir une collation facile à un survivant avancé ou à sa monture, il devient plus souvent un casse-tête. Leur broche affectera n’importe quelle créature, qu’elle soit petite Parasaurolophus ou un gargantuesque Giganotosaure, et peut signifier une mort certaine dans une situation que vous pourriez facilement échapper autrement. De plus, ils apparaissent partout sur la carte signifie qu’ils peuvent souvent apparaître même dans les bases sans être détectés, puis attaquer et tuer les précieux apprivoisés qui ont été laissés en mode passif (ce que vous réglez normalement la plupart de vos apprivoisés pour éviter qu’ils ne se précipitent dans le bleu ou se coincer et devenir des cibles faciles pour les raiders). La quantité d’agacement que génèrent ces petites créatures faibles peut vraiment être absurde.
  • Personne toxique: Il crache du venin qui aveugle et ralentit.
  • Shout-Out: Il a un volant et crache du venin. Il laisse aussi rarement tomber les lunettes de Nerdy, d’après Denis Nedry de parc jurassique.
  • Zerg Rush: Mais pas dans la même mesure que les autres.

Bien que le Diplodocus est plus petit que son Brontosaure cousins, sa longueur permet une selle pouvant accueillir jusqu’à dix joueurs à la fois. Cependant, les propriétaires de Diplo doivent prendre grand soin de leur dinosaure car sa nature douce signifie qu’il ne peut pas faire de dégâts aux attaquants (bien qu’il puisse les repousser sur une bonne distance). Heureusement, ils sont très rapides pour leur taille.

  • Les herbivores sont amicaux: pris jusqu’à onze étant donné qu’il ne peut rien faire de mal, du tout.
  • Lightning Bruiser: joué avec. Diplodocus a le tankiness et la vitesse surprenante digne du trope, mais manque de dégâts entièrement, comptant plutôt sur ses passagers pour faire le mal. Cela compte toujours comme un exemple modéré, car les passagers ne peuvent pas se déplacer librement lorsqu’ils sont montés, fusionnant presque avec leur trajet.
  • Classe mécaniquement inhabituelle:
    • En PvP, les grands dinosaures sont généralement utilisés comme une sorte de glissement de terrain vivant, les envoyant directement sur les ennemis dans l’espoir de causer autant de chaos et de dégâts que possible pendant que les personnages du joueur fournissent un feu de couverture et repoussent les défenseurs. Diplodocus, d’autre part, fonctionne en déjouant les autres grandes créatures avec sa vitesse supérieure et son grand recul par rapport à son attaque principale, puis en tournant son large côté pour faire face à la cible, permettant à ses passagers de décharger leurs chargeurs sous un angle avantageux.
    • Ce dinosaure est également très inhabituel dans la façon dont on devrait l’apprivoiser, étant la première créature à soutenir tous les deux méthodes standard de knock-out et d’apprivoisement passif (avec le passif étant favorisé, nécessitant trois fois moins de nourriture mais, chose intéressante, seulement environ 33% de temps en moins). De plus, pendant l’apprivoisement passif, le Diplodocus ne devient pas temporairement indomptable lors de l’agression du joueur. Cela ne casse même pas les lignes du grappin, ce qui permet au survivant de rester attaché au dino pendant toute la durée de l’apprivoisement et d’éviter complètement le recul!
  • Stock de dinosaures
  • Too Dumb to Live: Son dossier note qu’ils se font souvent tuer dans des tentatives de se lier d’amitié avec des attaquants.

Ce théropode herbivore est incapable d’attaquer ou de collecter des ressources, ce qui peut en faire juste une autre bouche à nourrir pour certaines tribus. Pour d’autres, sa vitesse incroyable est inestimable, permettant à un cavalier d’aller d’un endroit à l’autre ou de distancer les prédateurs à une vitesse fulgurante. Ils utilisent également des selles à trois places, permettant à deux cavaliers d’effectuer des tâches pendant que les autres dirigent.

  • Fragile Speedster: L’animal terrestre le plus rapide en sprint, mais aussi l’un des plus faibles.
  • Faune égarée: On pourrait penser qu’un animal le plus connu pour sa vitesse préférerait les grandes plaines ouvertes où il peut utiliser au maximum ses avantages comme habitat. Non! On les trouve le plus souvent dans la forêt de séquoias densément végétalisée et peuplée.
  • Oiseau à dents: Gallimimus n’avait pas de dents comme dans le jeu.

Le plus grand carnivore terrestre non unique du jeu, un Giganotosaure est une terreur absolue qui peut décimer des groupes entiers de joueurs et leurs dinosaures sans transpirer. Sans surprise, cela en fait un apprivoisé très apprécié parmi les tribus guerrières, mais même les meilleurs joueurs ne doivent pas laisser leur bête subir trop de dégâts, sinon elle s’envolera dans une rage, attaquant alliés et ennemis de la même manière.

  • Talon d’Achille: Sa terrible endurance, ainsi que sa vitesse de nage lente, le rendent particulièrement vulnérable à la noyade.
  • Animaux pas à l’échelle: mesurant plus de 70 pieds de haut, il mesure facilement quatre fois la taille de son homologue réel.
  • Génial, mais peu pratique:
    • Sur les serveurs PvE, une Giganotosaure n’a guère plus d’utilité qu’une récompense pour le droit de se vanter. La seule chose qu’il peut faire Tyrannosaure ne peut pas tuer de manière fiable un ennuyeux Titanosaure coincé dans ou près de votre base. Dans d’autres domaines, il est plus gros, plus maladroit, moins efficace en termes de statistiques, plus difficile à apprivoiser et à reproduire, et consomme beaucoup plus de nourriture.
    • Sur les serveurs PvP, alors qu’un Giga peut déchiqueter toute opposition (y compris les structures en pierre) en quelques secondes, il est suffisamment grand pour que les victimes potentielles puissent le voir venir de loin et lui infliger suffisamment de dégâts pour le transformer en une rage imparable, plus probable. que de ne pas le faire massacrer une bonne partie de sa propre tribu ou alliance.
  • Boss in Mook Clothing: un énorme saut dans les statistiques au-dessus de la Tyrannosaure et Spinosaurus au point où il faut un groupe de l’un ou l’autre pour le tuer. Il est souvent préférable pour les joueurs de fuir l’un d’eux plutôt que d’y faire face.
  • Climax Boss: Un Gigantosaurus sert d’obstacle final dans la grotte de Tek, gardant le portail menant au boss final du jeu de base.
  • Fausse difficulté: principalement en raison du fonctionnement de leurs statistiques. Rien qu’un joueur ne peut apprivoiser n’est capable de combattre un giga sauvage, pas même un giga de niveau beaucoup plus élevé. Le seul moyen fiable de les tuer est de les attirer dans la mer où ils peuvent facilement être noyés ou d’utiliser des montures volantes capables de combattre à distance contre eux.
    • Peut être surmonté avec de puissants dinosaures élevés, mais ils restent un combat solo risqué. Les Giga élevés de haut niveau peuvent constamment tuer les sauvages en raison de leur DPS beaucoup plus élevé et de leur réduction des dégâts.
  • Gameplay et ségrégation des histoires: malgré ce que dit son dossier, ce n’est pas lent!
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Son dossier répertorie son tempérament comme « Angry ».
  • Lightning Bruiser: Le carnivore apprivoisable le plus puissant et toujours l’un des plus rapides. Ironiquement, leur sprint est juste tout juste plus vite que leur marche, c’est littéralement la taille de leurs foulées qui les rend si rapides.
  • Nerf: A été le destinataire de tant de choses qu’il est devenu un mème à part entière. À l’origine, le Giganotosaure a été présenté comme une force de la nature imparable qui est restée une menace à toutes les étapes du jeu en réponse aux joueurs se plaignant que la faune était trop facile à tuer après avoir acquis de puissants apprivoisements. L’intention était que même pas un apprivoisé Giganotosaure pourrait résister à un sauvage. Et cela a toujours été vrai, cependant, un Giga apprivoisé pouvait agir de la même manière, sauf qu’il pouvait apparaître n’importe où et s’en prendre à quiconque sur l’ordre de son propriétaire. En raison d’un tollé encore plus grand, l’animal dans son ensemble a été nerf. Puis encore. Et encore. To the point where tamed Gigas often have worse health than good battle Rexes, not to mention stamina which has always been this way.
  • Power Glows: Their eyes light with an ominous glow when they get mad.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Its eyes glow red when it is enraged.
  • Spell My Name with an « S »: It’s Gigane pasosaurus, not Gigantosaurus, please, thank you. Amusingly, when first released, the creature laid eggs labeled « Gigantasaur egg ».
  • Unstoppable Rage: When it gets pissed, everything becomes a target regardless if it’s tamed or not, will throw it’s rider off and if wild can whip other members of it’s kind into a rage as well.

Une Iguanodon is far more versatile than what most expect, thanks to its unique ability to switch between bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion. When in its normal four-legged stance, it has infinite stamina. In bipedal position, Iguanodon becomes a dangerous close combatant. The iconic thumb spikes also allow players to collect large amounts of seeds.

  • Fan Nickname: « Thumbs-Up-a-Saurus » and variations.
  • Irony: In Real Life, Iguanodon, along with Megalosaurus, was one of the first dinosaurs to ever be described in scientific literature. Dans ARK, it was one of the last creatures to be released before the game finally came out of its 2-year-long beta phase.
  • Mugging the Monster: Because of its herbivore status and resemblance to other herbivores that are completely non-violent, like the parasaur and gallimimus, inexperienced players may try to kill it for meat and hide, only to find that unlike those other herbivores, the iguanodon will fight back if attacked. Fortunately, once you’re tough enough to take on Carnos, the Iguanodon is entirely killable.
  • Stock Dinosaurs
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: It only vraiment becomes useful when you needs loads of seeds, which any regular gathering herbivore can do anyway.
  • Useless Useful Spell: This dinosaur is particularly proficient at gathering plant seeds, so much so that it can turn all berries and advanced crops in its inventory into their respective seeds on demand. Sounds great, right? Well, the thing is, every herbivorous animal in the game that can gather berries from bushes also collects seeds along the way. The amount of seeds obtained during this process is more than enough for a solitary survivor or a tribe of any size, since the only use for them is to plant them in your garden (one seed per one crop plot) in order to have a steady supply of the respective berry or crop. The main limitation preventing your agriculture from expanding usually isn’t lack of seeds — it’s lack of space to build greenhouses and fertilizer to facilitate crop growth.

Kentrosaurus is a smaller relative of the more famous Stego, that compensates by being even more covered in spikes than its larger cousin. While the Kentrosaurus may not be ridable, a tamed group of these highly defensive dinosaurs provide formidable protection.

  • Berserk Button: A Giganotosaurus trying to take a bite out of a high-level Kentrosaurus will trigger the former’s Unstoppable Rage almost immediately.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Has more spikes on its tail than its larger and more famous relative.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Kentrosaurus‘s main attack can impale smaller creatures on its tail spikes, resulting in the victim being unable to escape and carried around by the dinosaur instead.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Stegos being rideable means they can wear saddles which grant them armor and increase their survivability in ways that Kentros have no access to. Moreover, the former’s back plates are large enough to protect their riders from ranged fire, making these dinosaurs ideal for absorbing bullets from enemy turrets, even those that are programmed to only attack players.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Despite being smaller, Kentrosaurus actually has higher damage output than its larger cousin, as well as a comparable health pool.

Megalosaurus is unique for not only being one of the few large carnivorous theropods in the game with feathers, but for also being nocturnal. Le Megalosaurus sleeps in daytime, but at night, its bite locks onto prey, preventing escape as they are ripped to shreds. Those who use the cover of the night to strike use tamed Megalosaurus.

  • Feathered Fiend: Ironically enough given the actual species belonged to a family feathers aren’t known from.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Only at night. In the daylight it’s almost harmless.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Massively so in Aberration. Not only is the day time effect nullified and they lack the need for sleep on that map, but the Aberrant variants are immune to radiation in the maps depths. This makes the Megalosaurus go from a night time specialist on other maps, to a smaller, faster, more agile version of the Tyrannosaurus. An imprinted, well leveled Aberrant Megalosaurus can easily be one of the most powerful creatures on the map and defeat even the dreaded Reaper Queen when under charged light. Inverted in Extinction, where they’re virtually worthless thanks to the Endless Daytime.
  • Weakened by the Light: In the light of day Megalos are barely a threat, even to a single person on foot. In the dark, well…

Despite its delicate frame, packs of Microraptor are a menace to survivors, leaping at players’ faces by using their wings to remain briefly aloft. Because of this aggression to humans over their larger mounts, tamed Microraptor can be used to knock survivors of their rides.

  • Dirty Coward: Wild Microraptors only attack the player when they know the latter is vulnerable – they jump into mounted survivors’ faces and knock them down, then tear into them while the victim is dazed. Once you come to your senses after the fall, or if you approach the dinosaur on foot, it darts away immediately.
  • Pirate Parrot: Can serve as a replacement for one. It can be perched on your shoulder, and while unable to truly fly, launching one into the enemy’s face and taking them captive can be great fun.
  • Toothy Bird: While not technically a bird, inexperienced players mistake Microraptor pour Archaeopteryx (which is in fact a bird) all the time.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Regardless of server settings, a wild Microraptor of any level can be tamed with exactly one Rare Flower once you knock it out.

Une Oviraptor is a relatively harmless dinosaur of great value to players wishing to increase egg production. This is due to its unique aphrodisiac-like pheromones, normally used in the wild to ensure them a steady stream of food from inattentive parents.

  • Fake Difficulty: Oviraptor are very common, fairly easy for even a new player to catch and knock out. Oh, what’s that? You wanted to tame one? Well, hope you have time, resources and nerve to spend hours babysitting a dinosaur with no combat or resource-related capabilities whatsoever! Because unless you happened to stumble upon an extremely rare and valuable Giganotosaurus ou Quetzalcouatlus egg, you will have to feed it hundreds of Dodo or bigger eggs. They restore a fairly high amount of Food points too, which is the reason for the absurdly long taming time.
  • Fragile Speedster: While its speed is of no use to the player, Oviraptor flees at a surprisingly quick pace when attacked.
  • Invasion of the Baby Snatchers: Well, egg snatchers at any rate…
  • Love Is in the Air: They cause nearby animals to lay more eggs.
  • Picky Eater: It will only eat eggs, and its tame rate with the smaller variants is fairly low.
  • Stock Dinosaurs

These small herbivores are not as defenseless as they appear, as an enraged Pachy’s dome-like head increases a victim’s torpor, meaning that foolish carnivores or unprepared players may find themselves helplessly being rammed to death.

  • Instant Sedation: Unlike most tranquilizing effects in the game, the Pachy’s attacks deliver all their torpor immediately, meaning you often don’t have to wait as long for the target to be knocked out. Justified, as in this case the sedation is achieved through beating the victim with a blunt object (which has been known to knock out instantly on occasion), rather than applying chemical substances of any kind.
  • Not the Intended Use: While Pachies are ridable, their weight stat is so low that a survivor riding one can barely afford to carry any equipment, meaning they aren’t very effective as mounts. Besides, their favorite kibble has much better uses (such as taming invaluable Ankylosaurus et Doedicurus), so few to no players attempt taming high level specimens. As such, the main reason for keeping a tamed Pachy is for their eggs: these are an ingredient for the favorite kibble of the mighty Paraceratherium, also used in raising dinosaur babies in order to increase their stats.
  • Ramming Always Works: How it’s able to break through certain (albeit weak) structures, as well as knocking out certain creatures.

A smaller and less common relative of Triceratops, the Pachyrhinosaurus possess the bizarre ability to releasing chemicals from its boss that pacify or enrage nearby animals for self-defense. Tribes can use this for various strategies like escaping Raptors or luring the same pack into enemy ranks. They also sport 2-seater saddles.

  • Deliberate Injury Gambit: Their Rage-attracting status can be used to make taming creatures such as Tapejara et Gallimimus much easier, since the main difficulty in taming them normally lies in how fast they flee.
  • Failed a Spot Check: When the Pachyrhinosaurus releases its pacifying chemicals, what actually happens is the dinosaur itself gets affected by a buff that says « Hidden », implying the chemicals actually make the Pachyrhino (and its rider) undetectable.
  • Hate Plague: The alternative chemical attack afflicts the Pachyrhinosaurus with a « Rage » buff, making all nearby wild animals, even normally skittish ones like Parasaurolophus et Pteranodon, attack it viciously.

A very common herbivore that’s more likely to flee than fight, the Parasaur is a very basic mount and a common source of meat for humans and dinosaurs alike. It’s only notable trait is that it’s an excellent swimmer compared to most non-aquatic animals.

  • Author Appeal: Parasaurs are the favorite animal of Jen aka bubblywums, one of the chief community managers working at Team Wildcard. As such, they frequently appear in unexpected places, such as update teasers, with players often engaging in a minigame of sorts in order to try and find them.
  • Crutch Character: Easy to tame, easy to use, but loses relevance very quickly as the game progresses.
  • Enemy-Detecting Radar: The new TLC update gives it the ability to detect hostile players and dinosaurs, which the player may not be able to see at first.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: Successfully mating Parasaurs ends with the female using her distress honk while she lays an egg.
  • Joke Character: The Parasaurolophus can serve as a decent starting mount and berry gatherer, but is overshadowed in pretty much every way by any other creature capable of these things. More experienced player prefer a Triceratops ou Iguanodon as their first mount, both being only slightly more difficult to tame while being much better at both harvesting and combat. Not to mention other advantages such as the high starting weight stat of the Triceratops et le Iguanodon‘s infinite stamina while sprinting in its quadrupedal stance.
  • Mighty Roar: After the second TLC, it has a honking ability that can scare away creatures like Raptors and Direwolves.
  • Piñata Enemy: On par with the Phiomia. Parasaurs are harmless and drop similarly large amounts of meat and hide. They also come with an added benefit of laying eggs, which can serve as a Berserk Button to make them attack you so you don’t have to chase them across the map in order to kill them.
  • Stock Dinosaurs
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Quite literally, the only outstanding quality of this dinosaur is its ability to swim. No longer quite the case after the TLC update, as they also gained the ability to scare away smaller predators.

Ce Heterodontosaurid dinosaur is, for the most part, a small and gentle herbivore and prey animal. However, Pegomastax are extremely mischievous and will steal items from players’ inventories. They are tamed passively by letting them steal berries from your inventory.

  • Feathered Fiend: It’s covered in proto-feathers.
  • Goddamned Bats: Very common, and its annoying stealing mechanic ensures it remains dangerous throughout all stages of the game. Worse, this dinosaur can attack tamed animals of any kind, and, since it cannot rob them, will keep attacking them over and over again, meaning animals left on passive can and will be killed by it.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: The only animal in the game tamed by letting it continuously rob you. Low-level specimens are often tamed by accident, attacking a distracted survivor, stealing the right kind of berry, and instantly becoming bound to him/her.
  • Percussive Pickpocket: It does a small amount of damage when it steals your items.
  • Seldom-Seen Species
  • Sticky Fingers: Once they spot you, they quickly leap at you causing minor damaging and nabbing an item. They then turn tail and run for it.

Where Spinosaurus lacks the brute strength of the equal-sized Tyrannosaurus, it makes up for in its versatility. This amphibious carnivore travels through land and water with ease, attacking any creature by its waterside home that it deems prey.

  • All Animals Are Dogs: It runs and swims like a dog, wags its tail, and makes a deep bark-like sound.
  • Dual Mode Unit: It has the regular quadrupedal stance that it’s seen in, and has the ability to go into a bipedal stance if the player commands it to do so. Said bipedal stance allows it to run faster and deal more damage to any target that has been selected.
  • Infinity -1 Sword: It’s considered a top tier carnivore and an even comparison to the Tyrannosaurus.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: It has decent movement speed, great damage output, and a great hunter and war mount.
  • Lightning Bruiser: The Spinosaurus is the ATV of the large dinosaurs, able to keep a good pace over uneven terrain, deep water, and flat ground. The Spino also has an incredibly high attack rate, which often more than makes up for its slightly lower stats compared to the T. rex. This high attack rate gives the Spino a decent chance of beating the T. rex in a one-on-one fight, and also gives the Spino a good chance of beating an Alpha Raptor, whereas even a T. rex will get wrecked by one unless there’s a massive level disparity between the two of them.
  • Stance System: Spinos have two different modes that affect their abilities. On four legs they are extremely quick runners and their attacks have longer reach. On two legs they hit harder, strike a large area directly around themselves, and can pivot in place making them extremely capable melee fighters.

A common herbivore across the Island, wild Stegosaurus are not to be trifled with. Their dangerous tail spikes (or thagomizers, if you prefer) excel at punishing those with the boldness or stupidity to attack it and clearing out trees and bushes in a single swing.

Therizinosaurus is a large, sluggish, solitary herbivore, but far from a defenseless one. With a ferocity and strength matching the fiercest Tyrannosaurus, Therizinosaurus‘s massive claws allow it to either harvest fiber delicately or fell trees for wood with powerful swipes.

  • Disc-One Final Boss: Tied with the Carnotaurus (who is weaker but more common and much more aggressive), the Therizinosaurus is the most dangerous animal roaming the zones many new players call home, such as the Southern Islets or the Footpaw on the classic map. When you or your tribe have a means of defeating these beasts or at least safely luring them away from your property, you can feel mostly safe in your base’s immediate area (provided it’s built in one of these locations), which means you’ve practically beaten the first stage of the PvE challenge provided by this game: survival on a day-to-day basis, also known as Early Game Hell.
  • Feathered Fiend: Unlike most other dinosaurs, Therizinosauruses are covered with feathers. Unlike other herbivores, they also turn hostile without provocation if approached too closely by players.
  • Herbivores Are Friendly: Very much averted, it’s hostile to any player characters.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: Amongst harvesters.
  • Jack-of-All-Trades: Amongst harvesters. However, it has no special ability to carry materials it harvests (most specialized harvesters consider their preferred materials lighter).
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite their relatively small size, Therizinosaurus are almost as dangerous as a T. rex, having about 80% as much health (significantly more than other hostile dinos of similar size like the Carnotaurus et Allosaurus), hitting almost as hard, and being somewhat faster on foot. Their ability to damage stone structures (something only the likes of Alpha Predators and Gigantosaurus can usually do) also makes them uniquely dangerous.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Despite being slightly smaller than the Carnotaurus and quite a bit smaller than an Allosaurus, the Therizinosaurus is actually in the same combat tier as the much larger Spinosaurus et T. rex.
  • Wolverine Claws: They have well-developed clawed hands, which makes them excellent harvesters and also makes them one of the few non-Boss in Mook’s Clothing predators able to damage stone structures, making them especially dangerous to your bases.

The largest animal in the game, only three Titanosaurus can exist in the game at any one time. To tame such a colossus is no easy feat, requiring phenomenal amounts of artillery fire from catapults and turrets to knock one out. Once tamed and saddled, tribes have a walking fortress and siege engine to command. However, a domesticated Titanosaurus does not accept food and will eventually starve to death, forcing tribes to compete for control of the beasts once again.

  • Animals Not to Scale: This thing is a mountain with feet!
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Even the Giganotosaurus, its only possible predator, is small next to it.
  • Kaiju: Biggest dino in the game, even dwarfing the Giganotosaurus and most of the boss monsters. Only the Titans of Exctinction exceed its might.
  • Mighty Glacier: It’s slow, but it can take on a Giganotosaurus and win easily. An entire tribe’s worth of firepower may not even be enough to fell it if it has proper support.
  • Walking Tank: The undisputed king of this trope in ARK. Its platform saddle can carry anything from a mobile mansion to a rolling fortress littered with turrets.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: The starvation rule is only ironclad on Official servers. Private servers (and single-player) can add a parameter that allows Titanosaurus to be fed normally like other dinos, meaning any tribe with the food output to sustain it can keep the behemoth indefinitely.
  • The Juggernaut: It’s one of only a few creatures that can destroy metal structures, and the only non-boss that can destroy a TEK base on its own power. If you anger one of these things or its riders want you dead, literally nothing in this game will stand in its way. And putting the creature itself aside, there’s the base on its back, likely full of humans and dinos just itching to clean up what it doesn’t stomp into paste…

A very common herd animal that is best left alone, Triceratops is best described as a weaker Stegosaurus in terms of gameplay, but it is also the easier of the two to find and tame.

  • Animal Jingoism: It’s described as being a hostile adversary to Tyrannosaurus.
  • Charged Attack: Similar to the Woolly Rhino, the longer it charges, the more damage it does.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Its dossier lists its temperament as « Short-Tempered ». This doubles as a Berserk Button, as it gets a strength buff whenever they’re near Rexes, Spinos, or Gigas.
  • Let’s Get Dangerous!: Whenever faced with a Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus ou Giganotosaurus, it gains a red mist around it and charges towards the predator, dealing more damage to them than it would to any other creature in the same situation.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Its dossier states that it is a hybrid of Triceratops et Styracosaurus.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: Triceratops are relatively common, entirely passive towards players as long as you don’t attack them, and are particularly easy to aggro against hostile carnivores. Low level players being harassed by major carnivores can lure them near wild triceratops and hide behind the trike, which usually results in the two fighting and giving you a chance to help kill the predator or escape.

Highly intelligent, nocturnal, and aggressive to humans, Troodon is a menace to survivors at night, thanks to its venomous bite. More interestingly, a Troodon is too smart to be tamed with tranquilizers and feeding, but must be tamed by letting it kill tamed animals for affinity.

  • Eats Babies: The easiest way to tame Troodon, as baby dinos have very little ability to fight back but give Troodon all the experience/affinity of an adult.
  • Feathered Fiend
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: To tame a Troodon, you have to allow it to hunt… no, not you yourself, but your tames. The more powerful and aggressive, the better. The Dino Dossier theorizes they enjoy the challenge, and choose to obey a human who has proven a Worthy Opponent.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: They have rather high health for their size and speed, and despite their small size (they can easily be mistaken for Compys at a distance by inexperienced players), Troodons are incredibly dangerous and can fell even experienced players in heavy armor, due to their high speed and incredibly powerful paralytic poison (stimberries or stimulant can protect against one Troodon, but a pack of them attacking all at once can be lethal even with stims).
  • Poisonous Person: It has a toxic bite that can paralyze humans.

No game about dinosaurs is complete without a Tyrannosaurus! The sheer power of a Tyrannosaurus is only outpaced by few others, making it a stock war beast or guardian mount for any well-settled tribe or lone survivor.

  • Always a Bigger Fish: Unlike many other carnivores, the T. rex will attack more or less everything else around it, including other carnivores. If you’re lucky, a Rex that enters an area may help clear it of faster, more numerous enemies such as packs of Allosauruses, Troodons, or Terror Birds.
  • Animals Not to Scale: About twice the size of the real animal.
  • King Mook: The Alpha Rex is a bigger, faster and stronger version of the regular Tyrannosaurus, also capable of buffing other nearby predators. As such, it takes considerably more effort to kill one, but if you manage to pull it off, you’ll be rewarded with a large experience bounty, a pile of raw prime meat, and possibly high-quality tools and weapons.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite statements in other dossiers, it is actually one of the fastest animals in the game at a sprint.
  • Mighty Roar: One that can stun enemies and make them crap themselves.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: Like the Ankylosaurus, It shows up frequently in the Snow biome for reasons unknown.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex: Played with. Despite everyone calling it a « Rex », the dossier notes its actually a species called Tyrannosaurus dominum rather than Tyrannosaurus rex.

Fairly common and a frequent menace in the early game, Raptors are a popular tame amongst new survivors. While outpaced in the late game by the bigger dinosaurs, Raptors remain an excellent choice for dealing with weak intruders or just simply moving through the wilderness.

  • Butt-Monkey: When a dossier depicts an animal getting brutally attacked, that animal is usually a Utahraptor.
  • Feathered Fiend: Though just barely, having only a few feathers.
  • King Mook: The Alpha Raptor is a bigger, faster and stronger version of the regular Raptor, also capable of buffing other nearby predators. As such, it takes more effort to kill one, but if you manage to pull it off, you’ll be rewarded with a large experience bounty, a pile of raw prime meat, and possibly high-quality tools and weapons.
  • Mook Commander: The highest level pack member acts as this, having a « pack boost » that gives it a certain degree of authority over other members of the pack.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Terror Birds are better than Raptors in pretty much every regard, having similar abilities, speed and maneuverability, but higher overall stats (including damage, critical for the creature’s usability as a mount), not to mention their Not Quite Flight granting them escape opportunities a Raptor rider could only dream of. The developers always acknowledged this, and a 2018 update known as the TLC Pass Phase 2 largely rectified this by granting Raptors a unique ability to pounce on their target and pin it down a la the infamous Muldoon scene as well as a alpha boost for packs.
  • Raptor Attack: Not the usual suspect (Velociraptor), however.
  • Warm-Up Boss: Although not truly a boss, this Alpha is considerably easier to kill than other similar creatures, requiring only a low-to-mid tier mount or a just bunch of (cross)bows and arrows and a vantage point. It is designed to give you a first taste of the kinds of Alpha and boss battles that await you.

A large feathery theropod closely related to the Tyrannosaurus rex, Yutyrannus saevus can usually be seen hunting alongside Carnotaurus. Its terrifying roar induces fear in all creatures that hear it. When domesticated, it can use that same roar to bolster the resolve of its allies as well, making it an invaluable ally in warfare.

  • Bring My Brown Pants: If the Yutyrannus scares a dino to the point of making them flee, they will defecate while attempting to flee.
  • Feathered Fiend: A large predatory dinosaur cloaked in fur-like feathers.
  • Lightning Bruiser: The Yutyrannus is every bit as powerful as a T. rex, with the added ability to scare off tamed dinos and summon Carnotauruses as reinforcements.
  • Mighty Roar: Its main ability. It can either bolster your allies when attacking your enemies, or cause any creatures nearby to flee in terror
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Its full species name (with the epithet) translates into « cruel feathered tyrant ». Considering running away in fear is precisely what this beast makes your tamed animals do, this kind of name is more than justified.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: The real-world specimen was only discovered in 2012.

Mammals and Synapsids

This prehistoric whale is most at home in the Island’s shallow seas and swimming near the surface as it is actually harmed by spending lengthy periods in deep water. While its blubber can act as a substitute to gasoline, most prefer to tame one for the protection from heat and cold given by riding it. Although Basilosaurus is tamed through passive feeding, one must be careful of the smaller water predators that follow it to feed on its scraps as they will attack players as a retribution for not getting any to eat.

  • Gentle Giant: Its dossier states that it is this way towards humans.
  • Healing Factor: The closer they are to the surface of the water the faster their health recovers. Take them too deep however and it starts to take damage instead.
  • Infinity -1 Sword: A rather easy tame and of similar size to Megalodon, surprisingly Basilosaurus’s stats are actually more comparable to the much harder to tame Elasmosaurus, with the trade-off being their below-average speed and lack of ability to wear platform saddles.
  • Mighty Glacier: Slower then a Megalodon, but also with four times the health pool and slightly more damage.
  • No-Sell: To any and all forms of status effects besides direct Torpor damage. They can’t be stunned by Cnidaria ou Electrophorus, nor can they be grabbed by Tusoteuthis.
  • Prehistoric Monster: Curiously, inverted; Basilosaurus is probably the only case in ARK of a predator that ended up being less monstrous than its real-life counterpart. The real Basilosaurus was an apex predator that hunted sharks, while the ARK Basilosaurus, though fairly tough, is passive and relatively harmless.

Giant beavers found in the Island’s lakes and rivers, Castoroides are peaceful creatures that fiercely protect their dams from those who seek to loot the resources hidden in them. A tamed Castoroides can autonomously harvest vast amounts of wood (obviously) and also act as a mobile smithy when saddled, allowing players to craft items on their beaver.

  • Berserk Button: Normally friendly creatures unless you desire to screw around with the dams they build, at which point it will voice its displeasure by giving you an impromptu facelift with its teeth.
  • Herbivores Are Friendly: Its dossier lists its temperament as « Friendly ». And it is… unless you mess with their dams.
  • Infinity -1 Sword: Among the smaller creatures on the ARK. It can halve the weight of resources, including wood and stone, and acts as a mobile Smithy that players can use.

This odd relative of horses and rhinos is primarily found in the Snow Biome where it dwells in families. When not fighting off intruders to their territories, wild Chalicotherium can be spotted hurling snowballs at each other for fun. This playtime behavior can be harnessed by warlike tribes to let the animals throw boulders at enemies!

Le Daeodon is an ill-tempered omnivore that strongly resembles a demonic warthog. Their high metabolisms give them a higher healing rate than most creatures, and when tamed, this healing boost affects nearby allies. Just be prepared to feed your Daeodon frequently as they have a high hunger drain rate.

  • Big Eater: You have to feed it constantly in order to keep it from starving.
  • Full-Boar Action: Not really a boar as its closer related to hippos and whales surprisingly, but are piglike enough to count, being nicknamed « Hell-Pigs ».
  • Healing Factor / The Medic: It heals significantly whenever it eats something, and heals its allies at the same time.
  • Lightning Bruiser: They’re incredibly tough for a creature of their size and speed; their health and damage output is about 70-80% that of a T. rex, yet they’re significantly faster (about as fast as a direwolf) and their relatively small size makes it relatively easy for them to ambush you.
  • Seldom-Seen Species
  • Zerg Rush: Like direwolves, daeodons often attack in packs. What’s worse, each individual daeodon is about 70-80% as tough as a full-on T. rex, and they can heal each other! Unless you have a decent predator pack of your own, or have learned how to craft at least a double-barrel shotgun, you’re likely to be outmatched by them.

Found in the Swamp Biome (and Lava Biome in The Center), Dimetrodon is not large enough to be ridden, fast enough to be a hunting companion, or ferocious enough to be a war beast, but its iconic sail makes it a living radiator, keeping survivors cool in the heat and warm in the cold.

This hulking and territorial omnivore is as fast as it is strong. A tamed Direbear is able to carry large amounts of weight over long distances and build up huge amounts of momentum over long distances, thanks to its high stamina. The bear’s fur also provide insulation for those standing adjacent to it.

  • Bears Are Bad News: Its near endless stamina and high damage output makes it this whenever you attack it.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: It has good damage output, decent speed and stamina, can eat just about anything, and keeps the player warm in cold climates.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Big-time. The Direbear has incredible sprinting speed and can both dish and endure large amounts of damage, being about on par with a Carnotaurus in terms of stats, only with a much more aggressive melee attack speed.
  • Stock Dinosaurs: A short-faced bear, given its genus is Arctodus.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Honey, of course. In addition to honey being the second fastest taming food (after kibble), a TLC patch gave tame direbears reduced damage from bee stings, and players won’t be dismounted, making them ideal for raiding wild beehives.
  • Underground Monkey: There’s a polar bear variant that dwells in the Snow Cave on The Island, the Ice Cave on Extinction, and found throughout Ragnarok.

Canis maxdirus are found only in the Snow Biome, where packs are a threat to both players and wildlife. Unlike most animals in the game, tamed Direwolves do not require saddles to ride, which means it lacks the armor bonus of a saddled animal. Fortunately, Direwolves compensate with their high speed and powerful bites.

  • Alpha and Beta Wolves: There’s always an alpha member (recognisable by a mist identical to the pack boost on an Allosaurus) of the pack that pretty much calls the shots, since it’s the highest level Direwolf in the pack. If it’s killed, then the next-highest level Direwolf will take its place.
  • Canis Major: These wolves are about the size of a horse.
  • Glass Cannon: Since it can’t be saddled/armoured, it doesn’t last a long when attacked, though it does have great movement speed and damage output.
  • Mook Commander: The highest level pack member acts as this, having a « pack boost » that gives it a certain degree of authority over other members of the pack.
  • Savage Wolves
  • The Nose Knows: The TLC update gives it the ability to sniff out players, dinos, and explorer notes.
  • Zerg Rush: Since they tend to come in packs, they will usually attack in this way when hunting for food.

A giant relative of the modern armadillo, the Doedicurus is similar to the Ankylosaurus as its tail club is capable of breaking rock. Like an Ankylo, this makes it an excellent quarry worker but trades the efficiency in collecting flint and metal for autonomously amassing vast amounts of stone. They also possess the ability to roll up like an armadillo to move about at high speed or curl up in place and become highly resistant to all damage.

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: It has a spiked, clubbed tail that can break through rock.
  • Rolling Attack: Can curl into a ball and roll, similar to an armadillo.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Like the Ankylosaurus, this creature is incapable of damaging stone structures, despite being highly efficient at breaking rocks these structures are made from.

Taking traits from extinct Pleistocene horses and modern domesticated ones, the horses of ARK are fast mounts and excellent pack animals. They make up for their lack of defense with a unique saddle that acts as a crafting station, allowing for a solitary, nomadic survival. Equus are tamed passively in a process that involves a mixture of feeding and riding them.

  • Composite Character: It takes traits from various horse species and varieties from various areas of time, such as taking the stripe pattern of the extinct quagga.
  • Cool Horse
  • Horsing Around: To tame one, you have to feed it, then mount it and repeatedly feed it in quick-time events while it tries to buck you off. Its secondary attack is also the classic hoof-to-the-face kick with both back feet, which does tremendous torpor damage. A properly trained Equus can literally kick the consciousness out of almost any other animal, saving you valuable ammunition and reducing the narcotics needed for taming to only what’s needed to keep your target asleep.
  • Unicorn: Only one exists on the map at any given time, but otherwise is the exact same as the standard Equus. A server parameter allows a new wild unicorn to spawn if the previous one was tamed, which is the only way to acquire a breeding pair without cryopod shenanigans.

Gigantopithecus are giant apes that are tamed by feeding them — a difficult process as they become angered if a player accidentally bumps into it, calming down once it loses sight of the intruder. Fortunately, formidable strength of a Gigantopithecus, and its ability to autonomously gather fiber, wear armor, and vault riders over walls can make the challenge worthwhile.

Not actually hyenas, but members of an extinct group of carnivorous mammals called Creodonts, Hyaenodon are usually found in the Snow Biome. These pack hunters only hunt those with low enough health to be easily overwhelmed. Although too small to ride, tamed Hyaenodon are excellent hunting companions, thanks to their ability to regenerate health with each attack. They must be tamed passively by petting them.

  • Big Friendly Dog: You have to pet it to tame it and gets a bonus while being petted.
  • Healing Factor: It will heal much faster when attacking an enemy.
  • Heinous Hyena: Downplayed. They have the appearance and the « laughing » cry, but are otherwise more dog-like than this trope.
  • Mundane Utility: The meatpack « saddle » for Hyenodon acts as a meat preserver, greatly extending its spoil timer as long as Hyenodon is carrying it.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: It only really targets the weaker creatures of the ARK, since they are easier to overwhelm.

A fairly common herbivore to most of the island, the slow and defenseless Lystrosaurus is tamed by hand feeding it. When domesticated, it is a loyal companion that when petted will increase the experience gain for all nearby animals.

A common sight in the Snow Biome, Megaloceros is the only animal in the game to display sexual dimorphism. While both sexes are incredibly fast, only the male is capable of combat (even so ‘flight’ is preferred over ‘fight’). The antlerless females run 25% faster and leap higher than the males.

The omnivorous Megatherium — better known as the Giant Ground Sloth — is among the largest mammals on the Island. It is an excellent choice of tame if survivors wish to collect chitin from the Island’s many giant arthropods since Megatherium is a voracious hunter of them.

  • Arch-Enemy: Treats any insect, or insect-like creature on the island as this.
  • Ascended to Carnivorism: It’s depicted as an omnivore, even though the real Megatherium was an herbivore.
  • Heavily Armored Mook: It’s stated in the dossier that it has a decent amount of armour, though it’s best not take it into battle.
  • Mighty Glacier: It’s slow and heavily armoured.

A prehistoric species of monkey, the diminutive Mesopithecus is tamed much like the Gigantopithecus — feeding through trial and error. However, once successfully domesticated, a Mesopithecus is an excellent shoulder companion, able to open doors, steal items, alert danger, and yes, throw poop.

Found only amongst the titanic redwoods of the Island’s central regions, Moschops is cowardly but voracious omnivore. When tamed, it retains those qualities, allowing players to let them specialize in harvesting large quantities of certain organic materials like Prime Meat or Rare Flowers. This also means that if it or the player is attacked, Moschops will simply flee as fast as it can!

  • Ascended to Carnivorism: It is depicted as an omnivore, despite being a herbivore in reality.
  • Boring, but Practical: It can’t fight on its own, and it’s slow at running or swimming. But if left to wander, it will autonomously gather organic resources with great efficiency, and can be specially trained to collect rare resources. It’s basically the poor man’s Therizinosaurus.
  • Covers Always Lie: Its dossier states that lives solely in the redwood biome, in-game however, it will spawn just as frequently in all of the other biomes on the island.
  • Dirty Coward: Moschops flees at even the slightest damage. In fact, commanding it to attack causes it to run away! A TLC patch gave players the ability to ride it and thus force it to battle. If you’ve got nothing else, Moschops does have a good base Melee damage stat, but poor defenses and speed.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Moschops are tamed by feeding them any of a variety of items including Rare Flowers and Mushrooms, Prime Meat and Fish Meat, Leech Blood, Organic Polymer, and Sap.

Aggressive, giant bats found in the Island’s caves, Onycs are more likely to be seen as encounters in a spelunking expedition than as a tame. They can be tamed however through a mixture of coating oneself with bug spray and feeding it meat.

  • Bat Out of Hell: They can quickly become this if you aren’t prepared to deal with them.
  • Goddamned Bats: not to the same extent as Dimorphodon, but very similar in all aspects. Bonus points for being an actual bat.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ». This is likely due to developers having not implemented gender for them yet.
  • Typhoid Mary: Rarely, Onychonycteris can carry a fast-acting rabies variant that infects players and dinosaurs it bites.
  • Zerg Rush: You always encounter groups of them, and unless you’re covered in Bug Repellent, they’ll attack you immediately.

These friendly, playful mammals are found in the rivers and lakes of the ARK in family groups to hunt fish and stay safe from larger beasts. Many survivors tame them for their cuteness, but can also be commanded to hunt fish for their masters. Occasionally they will find rarer loot , which they will give to their masters.

  • Cute Little Fangs: Have two little teeth visible at all times.
  • Good Bad Bug: Otters were, probably mistakenly, left out of a patch preventing players and dinos from carrying more than one artifact each. So by carrying an otter, you can camp the artifact spawn point in each cave and collect multiple artifacts, making boss farming easier.
  • Playful Otter
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Among the cutest in the game.

Ordinary sheep. They do pretty much what you would expect from them and are tamed by feeding only a single Sweet Veggie Cake. They can be sheared for their wool and killed for their nutritious mutton.

  • Joke Character: They’re slow and cannot fight at all.
  • Metal Slime: Ovis drop mutton, the best non-kibble taming food in the game. They’re also very rare and only found in the snow biomes, which require significant preparation (fur armor and shelter/heat sources to avoid freezing to death) for the player to survive in.
  • Picky Eater: Only tamed through feeding it a Sweet Veggie Cake, which isn’t easy to make. This is subverted in that you only have to feed it one cake.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Among the cutest creatures in the game.

This long-necked, hornless rhinoceros is the largest land mammal to have existed, and is quite common for such a massive herbivore. Also known as Indricotherium et Baluchitherium, it is similar to a Brontosaurus in terms of usage, but is much faster, easier to tame, and gets its platform saddle at a lower level at the cost of having less health and damage output.

  • Infinity -1 Sword: Essentially an easier to use but weaker Bronto. Replaces them on Scorched Earth et Aberration too.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When compared to its saurian counterpart, the Bronto.
  • Rhino Rampage: An early relative of the rhinoceros.
  • Walking Tank: Not quite on the scale of the Brontosaurus, but it can be fitted with a platform saddle and carry a small base or turret nest on its back, and is the only available option for this in Scorched Earth et Aberration.

A very common herbivore on the Island, these primitive elephants are of little use to most players due to their awkward, defenseless nature. However, they drop much more meat and produce more feces than similar sized animals, making them a good source of food for hunters and fertilizer for farmers.

An uncommon herbivore on the Island, these giant kangaroos can carry two players at once — one on the saddle and the other in the pouch. Thus, they are often used for raids and transportation.

  • Team Mom: A TLC update allows Procoptodon of either sex to nurture babies of other species in its pouch, improving their imprint rates.

Ce therocephalian is used by survivors as a living trap of sorts. Purlovia are able to burrow and remain in wait for days on end until some unlucky creature steps over its burrow, which at that point, the creature leaps from the earth and mauls its victim.

  • Ascended to Carnivorism: It is depicted as a carnivore, despite being a herbivore in reality. Its dossier even lampshades this.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: It can be hiding absolutely anywhere when it buries itself.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: Quite possibly the most obscure creature the developers have chosen.
  • Troll: They attack out of nowhere due to hiding underneath the ground, and their unavoidable first hit from this surprise attack will paralyze you for several seconds, which is more than enough for it to kill you unless your health and armor is late-to-endgame level. They can essentially end your life abruptly out of nowhere until you get a decent mount to ride around on or start running with a posse of pets for support.

The saber-tooth cats of ARK are found wherever there is snow or mountains. While they lack the raw power of larger carnivores, they make up for in speed and agility. UNE Smilodon‘s fangs also allows riders to harvest more hide and keratin than they could on a similar carnivore.

Also known as the Marsupial Lion, Thylacoleo is found only in the Redwood Biome, where it waits amongst the gigantic trees for prey to pass underneath. These climbing skills are used in conjunction with its iron-grip bite by tribes and raiding parties to take out enemies with surprise attacks.

The mighty four-tusked Mammoths of ARK are found only in the snow biome. Although challenging to tame, given their environment and strength, Mammoths are one of the few creatures in the game that collects more wood than thatch when demolishing trees. They are also excellent beasts of burden or war elephants if one wishes to use them for such purposes.

  • Honorable Elephant: Wild mammoths are non-hostile to humans and will help fight any hostile predators that come near them. They serve as similar role in the Arctic biomes as dinos like triceratops do in the warmer areas.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In comparison to similarly sized creatures, mammoths are a lot faster.
  • Mighty Glacier: They’re]not nearly as fast as most carnivores, and can easily be outpaced by players with even moderately upgraded movement speed. To compensate, they have quite a lot of health and hit pretty hard.
  • Walking Tank: Though not to the extent of other, larger creatures on the ARK.
  • War Elephants: Can be used as this by players.

This brutish Ice Age beast roams the same habitats as the Mammoth and is best not to be bothered. An angry Woolly Rhino can charge at enemies, gaining incredible momentum and damage that increases the longer it charges. Wild Woolly Rhinos can also be hunted for their horns, which are used to craft some medicines.

Amphibians and Reptiles

These giant frogs are found in the Swamp Biome, where they will lash out with their poisonous tongue if attacked. A domesticated Beelzebufo is able to use this attack to knock out potential tames, but is more often used as a form of locomotion, thanks to its ability to leap great distances and move underwater at high speed. It can turn insects into cementing paste.

  • Glass Cannon: Despite being exceptionally good at just about every regard, it has a low health pool, and won’t last long in a direct fight.
  • In a Single Bound: One of their abilities is to jump extremely high, and extremely far.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: It has great movement and swim speed, a large jump that helps it reach higher places, and its tranquilizing tongue can certainly help with PvP combat.
  • Multipurpose Tongue: It’s long tongue can be used to either tranquilize targets, or eat small insects, which allow it to create cementing paste.
  • Poisonous Person: Its tongue delivers a tranquilizing venom to anything it hits.

These giant turtles are common across the Island and are often seen swimming about in the water. As mounts, they are about as fast as you would expect on land, but excellent for cross-water treks. They are also incredibly durable, thanks to their shells, so many use them to soak up damage from defensive structures.

  • Heavily Armored Mook: Its shell gives it an awful lot of armour, which makes it hard to battle unless you have a very powerful mount.
  • Mighty Glacier: Extremely slow on land and very durable.

Despite its size, Dimorphodon are very dangerous when provoked, swarming at attackers and making themselves difficult to kill. When tamed, Dimos work best in packs to swarm chosen targets like winged piranhas.

  • All Flyers Are Birds: It has feathers, whereas the other pterosaurs are either scaled or furred.
  • Goddamned Bats: Le Goddamned Bats of this game. Not only do they swarm you out of nowhere upon slightest provocation (which is very easy to do, considering how small they are), they can attack mounted players directly rather than the mount itself like most other creatures, meaning they can heavily injure you with you not even noticing until it is too late.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Surprisingly powerful for something of its size.
  • Zerg Rush: When provoked, Dimos swarm their opponents — a tactic that is usable when tamed in large flocks. A large, well-leveled swarm can tear even a T. rex to shreds.

This boomerang-headed amphibian dwells in the Swamp Biome. It is an excellent companion for underwater expeditions because its unique head shape stores air bladders. Divers can « kiss » their Diplocaulus to regain oxygen, thus acting as living oxygen bags and allowing extended periods of submersion. Uniquely, a Diplocaulus can only be mounted when underwater.

  • Crutch Character: Diplocaulus is relatively slow while moving (especially if caught on land), small enough to immobilize with a bola, easy to knock out, always flees when attacked and requires no saddle to ride. All these traits make it an easy tame for even low-level players who want to start exploring the ocean’s depths sooner than later. However, it’s only encountered in places crawling with dangerous creatures who think even a wild Diplocaulus will make a yummy snack. So, not only will you need to worry about keeping the amphibian from waking up and constantly gather narcotics, you must also fend off hostile creatures you’re barely equipped to deal with at that point in the game that can potentially spawn right in front of you. Despite being a very useful asset in the early game, few survivors actually try taming them because of how dangerous this endeavor ends up being.

Found in deep water where they normally spawn in pairs near sea caves, Elasmosaurus are tamed by those who desire a fast and powerful marine mount able to carry large quantities of goods or support platform saddles to build mobile undersea homes.

  • Covers Always Lie: Its dossier depicts it as being relentlessly attacked by a Megalodon, even though it’s more likely to be the other way round in-game.
  • Lightning Bruiser: It’s extremely quick despite its size.
  • Living Ship: It will become this with the use of its platform saddle, which will allow tribes and players to have a mobile base on them at all times.
  • Rule of Two: They tend to be encountered in pairs, often near underwater caves.
  • Shown Their Work: Unlike most depictions of plesiosaurs, Ark‘s elasmosaur have non-flexible necks — you won’t see one raising its head high above the surface of the water like in Fantasia or the Surgeon’s Photo.

A common sight in the ARK’s oceans, the Ichthyosaurus is a common taming choice for players who wish to make their first steps into the sea as they are friendly to players and are tamed by hand-feeding them meat. However, an Ichthy is not a strong fighter, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your mount and flee on it at the first sign of trouble.

  • Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing: When near the Snow Biome, they will attack Kairuku with little hesitation, and with little reason as well.
  • Fragile Speedster: Of the aquatic variety, and one of the fewer examples of aquatic ones in the game.
  • Friendly, Playful Dolphin: Although it’s technically a dolphin-like reptile. Or at least, it’s friendly to humans.

A denizen of the Swamp Biome, Kaprosuchus, the so-called Boar-Croc, lacks the durability of its Sarcosuchus cousins, but compensates with its speed both in and out of water, a bite that drains a victim’s stamina, and the ability to lunge clean out of the water.

  • Animals Not to Scale: Its back legs are depicted as being much longer than they were in reality.
  • Fragile Speedster: It’s best to use it for its lunge ability only, and not for direct combat.
  • Glass Cannon: While it has great speed and attack damage, it won’t be able to hold its own in a direst fight.

Although much smaller than Walking with Dinosaurs probably taught you, ARK’s Liopleurodon is no less dangerous. In the wild, they await for prey in ambush, but do not chase after those who escape their initial lunge-and-bite, as they lack speed. Riding a tamed Liopleurodon increases the rider’s oxygen, allowing for longer periods underwater.

  • Animals Not to Scale: Averted. For once, it’s accurately sized (25 feet long, not 25 meters).
  • But Now I Must Go: When a tamed Liopleurodon‘s timer is up, it teleports away, never to be seen again.
  • Later Installment Weirdness: Arguably even more so than anything you can see on Scorched Earth.
    • Similar to Lazarus Chowder, riding a Liopleurodon improves the rider’s oxygen procession so they can stay underwater longer without needing a SCUBA tank or a high Oxygen stat.
    • Said improvement also apparently affects the rider’s luck, somehow increasing the quality of items the player can receive from loot crates. If said crate was already opened and the contents were seen, they will be replaced with something better. Magic!
    • When a wild Liopleurodon gets attacked or a tamed one’s timer expires, it teleports away in a brilliant flurry of rainbow-colored sparkles. It doesn’t come back.
  • Picky Eater: You can only tame it by passively feeding it honey.
  • Undying Loyalty: Averted. This creature does not hesitate to disappear once its timer runs out. Unlike Titanosaurus who exits the stage by starving to death, Liopleurodon seemingly just decides it has been loyal long enough and quits. The game still says « Your Liopleurodon was killed! » though.

This oversized relative of Komodo dragons lives in the Island’s cave systems, where it is a serious menace to spelunkers, thanks to a venomous bite that slowly drains the victim’s health and the ability to climb walls and ceilings. Megalania can be tamed too, for those who wish to harness its abilities.

  • Poisonous Person: It has a hemotoxic bite.
  • Typhoid Mary: Rarely, Megalania can carry a fast-acting rabies variant that infects players and dinosaurs it bites.
  • Wall Crawl: It can scale any wall and ceiling that gets in its way.

Incredibly rare and always solitary in the dark depths of the sea, Mosasaurus are among the most powerful mounts in the game, thanks to their massive bite damage and ability to have platform saddles constructed on them.

  • Cartoony Tail: It is portrayed with a paddle-like tail more like in old-fashioned portrayals, rather than the shark-like tails mosasaurs are known to have in real life.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: Amongst underwater creatures.
  • King Mook: The Alpha Mosa is a bigger, faster and stronger version of the regular Mosasaurus, also capable of buffing other nearby predators. As such, it takes considerably more effort to kill one (to the point of requiring multiple tamed Mosasaurs), but if you manage to pull it off, you’ll be rewarded with a large experience bounty, a heaping pile of raw prime meat, and possibly high-quality tools and weapons.
  • Living Ship: They can carry small bases on their back when equipped with a platform saddle. Sadly, Tek Generators cannot be placed on a platform saddle without mods, which means you can’t use vacuum compartments to keep the water out.
  • Mighty Glacier: Compared to the Lightning Bruiser Tusoteuthis. The Mosa is tougher, slower, and lacks the Tuso’s plethora of abilities, trading them for the option of a platform saddle.
  • Power Armor: Has access to Tek Armor.
  • Sea Monster: An absolutely massive creature that can easily take on anything else in the sea in shear power alone, and that’s not even counting its Alpha variant.

A common sight in the skies of ARK, Pteranodon are the first flying mount for most survivors. While not strong fighters, they are very fast and able to perform a barrel roll attack. Pteranodon can also carry small animals and humans.

  • Animal Gender-Bender: The females are depicted as looking the same as the males. In reality, female Pteranodon were smaller and lacked a crest.
  • Ptero Soarer: It has teeth and bat-like wings.
  • Toothy Bird: Has small teeth in its bill, which is jarring for an animal whose name literally means « Toothless Wing ».

These enormous pterosaurs never stop to rest, so they must be hunted on the wing (a task easier said than done). Once tamed, they are powerful mounts, able to carry huge weights, lift animals as large as a mammoth, and carry platform saddles to be used as aerial homesteads.

  • Giant Flyer: Taken Up to Eleven when equipped with a platform saddle and a base on top.
  • Living Ship: The only flier that can take a platform saddle, making it either the ultimate mobile home or a terrifying gunship that can lay low almost any ground-bound foe, and even some of its fellow fliers.
  • Ptero Soarer: It can carry a platform for a base on its back (despite the fact that it would be too weak to do so in real life), and can pick up anything as large as a mammoth to anywhere the player wants.

Giant crocodiles found wherever land and water meet, Sarcosuchus are a frequent menace for those near the water due to their ambush tactics. When tamed, they are among the fastest amphibious mounts in the game and fairly strong close combatants.

  • The Dreaded: When ever it enters the water, piranhas will try to flee as best they can to avoid it.
  • Fatal Flaw: It’s enormous turning radius is without a doubt its biggest drawback.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Fairly beefy, does pretty good damage, and is extremely fast in water.
  • Mighty Glacier: On land, Sarcos can keep pace with a level 1 player, but are easily outrun after putting several points into movement speed. Like Titanoboas, they make an excellent source of large amounts of meat and hide once you get your movement speed up a decent amount and learn how to make a bow and arrows.
  • Stock Animal Behavior: As of the TLC 2, it can lunge out of the water and perform a death roll animation on its prey.

This pterosaur is a highly skilled flyer and among the most agile mounts in the game. Its turn speed and maneuverability are unmatched amongst fliers, though not without the loss of stamina and physical strength. The have a three-rider saddle and the ability to latch on to cliffs and redwood trees to rest.

  • The Ace: Among the flying mounts, seeing as it allows player to attack while saddled, and can grip onto the walls and trees when doing so (if commanded by the player).
  • Ascended to Carnivorism: It is carnivorous in the game, despite the fact the real animal was more likely a frugivore.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: It can allow its riders to do just about anything (see The Ace above), including wearing a TEK saddle that makes it much more dangerous.
  • Ptero Soarer: Portrayed as a carnivore and displays some features from related species Tupuxuara et Tupandactylus.

Giant snakes found in the Island’s caves and swamps, Titanoboa are totally immune to narcotic effects, rendering them very difficult to tame. They primarily serve as dangerous encounters for survivors due to their torpor-inducing attacks.

  • Eats Babies: You have to feed it fertilized eggs to tame it.
  • No-Sell: It’s completely immune to the affects of narcotics.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ».
  • Poisonous Person: Despite being a boa, it has a venomous bite that delivers enough torpor to drop a low-level player in one hit.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: Very much so, since they attack in such a sinister way.
  • Zerg Rush: They tend to do this when they attack the player in the caves.

A pterosaur found in Genesis, Tropeognathus is an extremely versatile creature, being both an effective mount and a living refinery due to its strong jaws and teeth. Where it really shines, though, is in aerial combat.

  • Giant Flyer: It has a wingspan of 27 feet.
  • Shown Their Work: Alongside the Tapejara, it’s one of the only pterosaurs to have pteroid bones in its arms.


This iconic prehistoric bird is a timid animal that hides in trees, safe from predators and eating bugs. Although difficult to catch and tame due to their cowardice and the fact that they will only eat chitin, their simple gliding abilities allow players to use them as living parachutes or hang gliders by simply holding onto one while falling. They also collect sap when set on « wander ».

  • Crutch Character: It’s a relatively small dinosaur that is relatively difficult to tame, but relatively easy to feed once they sommes tamed, flees whenever a player character gets close, and is in a relatively dangerous biome (redwood). You’ll have to worry about all of these dangerous creatures, as well as fending them off and keeping your Archae unconscious. While some survivors will tame it, it can easily run out of stamina and greatly hurt the player character; as such, many more players would simply get a parachute in order to do what it allows the player to do, since parachutes are relatively easy to craft.
  • Picky Eater: It will only ever eat chitin, both before and after taming.
  • Toothy Bird: One of the first birds to have evolved into this.

A giant relative of the Andean Condor, Argentavis is found in snowy or mountainous regions where they are attracted to scenes of carnage or tasty-looking humans. A tamed Argentavis is the flyer of choice for many players, thanks to its higher stamina and combat strength compared to the Pteranodon. While it is also slower than Pteranodon, it is also able to pick up larger animals.

  • Feathered Fiend: Like the Terror Bird, the Argentavis is a predator that will attack other nearby creatures (including you) for sport. However, its aggro range is very short compared to other carnivores, similar to the Therizinosaurus, so you can avoid starting any trouble with them by simply not approaching them too closely.
  • Giant Flyer: It’s even larger than a Pteranodon and significantly meaner.
  • Healing Factor: If the Argentavis is allowed to devour a corpse by itself, it gains a very powerful healing buff that will rapidly bring it from the brink of death to at least half health from just one corpse. A smart player can use this to gain some very significant self sustainability and allow it to back off, kill a weak dino, eat it, and return to a fight when most other cases would simply find the best results in fleeing altogether if a player cannot heal them through some other means.
  • Jack-of-All-Trades: The Argentavis has a good amount of health, can carry a relativity large amount of weight, reduces the weight of many common materials (notably metal and polymer), it’s melee attack is quite potent, can carry a sizable list of other creatures (including other players, for co-op AND PvP purposes), functions as a smithy when equipped with a saddle, can heal itself with corpses, is a strong alpha killer when controlled manually, and so much more. Best of all, the Argentavis is on every map and fairly common, so losing one isn’t to big of a deal.
  • Mighty Glacier: The Argentavis is one of the toughest birds in the game, but its flight speed is significantly slower than most other fliers, and even a bit slower than the running speed of Terror Birds or Raptors.
  • Utility Party Member: Of all the flyers barring the Quetzal, the Argentavis tends to have a significant weight to start with, along with it’s ability to pick up most dinos and players, making it an ideal early to mid flying pack mule/transport. Not to mention the fact that it’s saddle also acts as a Smithy to survivors.

The most common animal in ARK, wild Dodos are every bit as stupid and slow as they are portrayed as in other media. They have little use for players, except as an easy source of food.

  • Com Mons: The weakest, most abundant, and easiest to tame creatures in the game.
  • Dumb Dodo Bird: They just wander about obliviously until attacked, upon which they flee…very slowly.
  • The Goomba: They are among the easiest of things to kill on ARK.
  • Idiot Hair: Close inspection reveals a cowlick of longer feathers on the crown of the dodo’s head.
  • Too Dumb to Live: They’re essentially walking free food for the predators on the ARK. The explorer notes even lampshade this heavily.

Sorta resembling a loon with teeth, Hesperornis is found near bodies of water where they hunt fish. A tamed Hesperornis is able to retrieve fish for players, and its eggs can be used to produce a substitute for oil.

  • Solid Gold Poop: Hesperornis rarely lays a a special golden egg instead of the regular kind, which can be used to greatly increase experience gain for the dino it’s fed to or for making extraordinary kibble after the Homestead update. In fact, before Yutyrannus eggs were reclassed as special, Hesperornis was the ONLY source for special eggs on the Island or Center.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: A player would only typically tame one if it wanted it’s special eggs, or couldn’t be bothered to fish themselves.
  • Toothy Bird

These toothy seagull-like birds hunt small fish out in the ocean. When tamed, the birds will go out and hunt fish for their masters, delivering food for them to eat! However, wild specimens will steal items if provoked.

  • Sticky Fingers: Although not as aggressive as Pegomastax, they do occasionally attack without provocation (especially if you get too close or start a fight near them). They like to steal your food items one stack at a time (which they gulp down instantly so you can’t recover it by killing them), but they can also knock your weapons and tools out of your hand if you’re not carrying any food.
  • Supreme Chef: Fish and small dinos hunted by an Ichthyornis can develop a golden glow, allowing you to harvest prime meat and fish from creatures that normally would not yield these cuts (like dodos and coelacanths). The Dossier describes this as « somehow infusing the meat with extra nutrients ».
  • Toothy Bird

A common sight in the Snow Biome, Kairuku penguins are completely defenseless creatures. Though tamable, they are more sought after for the unique substance of organic polymer (made of their blubber) that they drop when attacked. They also provide a tiny bit of protection from cold when the player is near them. Kairuku are currently the only creature in-game where juveniles can be encountered in the wild.

A giant toothy seabird usually found soaring the open ocean, Pelagornis is unique among flying mounts for its ability to land on water and paddle upon it, whereas the rest simply dismount the player upon contact with it. Unlike other flyers, Pelagornis cannot pick up other creatures.

  • Boring, but Practical:
    • Pelagornis deals ten times damage to coelacanth, piranha, and salmon, and automatically harvests on a killing strike, but cannot harvest prime fish.
    • Rod fishing, normally done from a placed chair (that can block spawn points) can be done from a swimming Pelagornis.
  • Crippling Over Specialisation: Because it’s a seabird, it can’t grab any creatures with its feet, using them to paddle along the surface instead.
  • Giant Flyer: One of the largest birds in the game.
  • Screw This, I’m Outta Here!: If you try flying over lava, it will drop you off its saddle and fly the heck away.

Although not the most common carnivore in the game, Terror Birds travel in aggressive and marauding packs. When tamed, they are fast runners, and, surprisingly, able to use their tiny wings to « fly » (it’s more of a sustained leap), making it a highly mobile mount.

  • Dungeon Bypass: Back when the Island’s Tek Cave was first introduced, no boss awaited players at its end, meaning you only had to reach said end in order to achieve the objective. As such, speedrun techniques that allowed players to do so while skipping most of the fighting were developed. One technique consisted of a lonely survivor riding a Terror Bird and simply gliding down to the very bottom of the cave, causing most hostile creatures to either ignore the duo or kill themselves in the cave’s lava pools while trying to take a bite, as demonstrated here. Of course, now that the teleporter at the end simply takes you to the Final Boss, the birds are no use there and pretty much never taken to the cave anymore. It does still work for other caves with steep drops and dangerous slopes filled with aggressive wildlife.
  • Feathered Fiend: They’re basically slightly tougher and faster Raptors, with feathers.
  • Fragile Speedster: Subverted. They have low health pools relative to other carnivores, but are still beefier than most small mounts while being extremely fast to boot.
  • Not Quite Flight: They can dramatically reduce their vertical speed while falling by rapidly flapping their stubby wings, nullifying fall damage even jumping from heights that would result in death otherwise. Just make sure your bird has enough stamina before jumping! An imprint boosted Terror Bird with points into speed and stamina can, if taking a running start from a mountain, can easily cross huge swaths of The Island or other maps.
  • Superior Successor: Terror birds overshadow Raptors in pretty much every regard, having similar abilities, speed and maneuverability, but higher overall stats (including weight, critical for the creature’s usability as a mount), not to mention their Not Quite Flight granting them escape opportunities a Raptor rider could only dream of. Subverted later on with the TLC patch giving the Utahraptor some unique abilities of its own to balance the two out.


Found only in the deepest parts of the ocean, giant Anglers will attack any players that enter their homes but flee when attacked. A tamed angler works best as a nighttime travel companion. Unlike many other mounts, Anglers do not need saddles to be ridden. They also drop a unique substance called angler gel that can be used as a highly effective light source.

The game’s version of a standard fish, Coelacanths come in all sorts of sizes. As they cannot be tamed, their sole purpose is to act as a primary source of fish meat, which is needed to tame certain animals. The larger the Coelacanth, the more fish meat it will give when harvested from its corpse.

  • The Goomba: Like the Dodo, it’s among the easiest things to find and kill in the ARK.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ».

Another deep-water denizen, Dunkleosteus is a slow and tank-like fish that only attacks players who get too close. A tamed Dunkleosteus can use its powerful jaws to collect stone and oil.

  • Heavily Armored Mook: Both a blessing and a curse; a blessing in that it’s a decent mount to use in underwater raids, a curse in that it takes a long time to knock out and tame.
  • Mighty Glacier: Big and tough as a glacier. And slow as one too.

Le Electrophorus, or electric eel, is not a large fish, but is still a dangerous one if provoked. The powerful shocks it uses to ward off would-be hunters increase the torpidity of those hit by it. Electric Eels are thus employed by survivors as an undersea substitute to tranquilizers by having swarms zap the ocean’s leviathans into unconsciousness for taming.

  • Informed Species: It looks more like a moray eel than an electric eel.
  • Nerf: Once upon a time these eels would outright stun everything their electricity hit. This could easily result in getting stun locked to death for even extremely powerful creatures. Thankfully the ability was removed in favor of the slow/damage down effect they have now.
  • Psycho Electric Eel: If sufficiently angered by any creature that attacks it.
  • Scary Teeth: Has a mouthful of fangs. Real electric eels are toothless.
  • Shock and Awe: They have the ability to generate huge burst of electricity, getting hit by the burst slows your movement speed and lowers your melee damage.
  • Shown Their Work: Its dossier describes it as not an eel but a knifefish.

An utterly vast fish found only in the open ocean, Leedsichthys is harmless towards players. Although untamable, survivors can benefit from the existence of a live Leedsichthys as they can scrape fish meat from its body without harming it.

The manta rays of ARK are swift but fragile creatures with a penchant for attacking swimmers. They are tamed by feeding Angler Gel, which is a difficult process but once tamed, survivors have a mountable to leap out of the water for short periods and travel at high speeds. Just be careful not to accidentally beach your Manta, as they can die quickly.

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: It has a barb at the end of its tail.
  • Fragile Speedster: One of the fastest ocean mounts in the game and highly mobile, but can die very quickly if the player isn’t careful.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: They have physical characteristics of both Manta Rays, and Sting Rays.
  • Picky Eater: You can only tame it by passively feeding it Angler Gel, which is extremely hard to find. After taming it however, it will eat meat like any regular carnivore.
  • Zerg Rush: They travel in a huge pack around wild Basilosaurus, getting too close or attacking the whale causes all of them to rush the offender.

The most common of the large ocean predators in the game, Megalodons are a frequent menace to players in the ocean due to their high aggro radius. Tamed Megalodon are a good choice for players who seek a strong ocean mount, although they are outclassed by Elasmosaurus et Mosasaurus.

  • Boss Rush: One can encounter up to three of these in a single group of creatures in the underwater caves, resulting in an unexpected Difficulty Spike that can turn a spelunking expedition into a world of pain for unsuspecting players.
  • King Mook: The Alpha Megalodon is a bigger, faster and stronger version of the regular Megalodon, also capable of buffing other nearby predators. As such, it takes considerably more effort to kill one, but if you manage to pull it off, you’ll be rewarded with a large experience bounty, a pile of raw prime fish meat, and possibly high-quality tools and weapons.
  • Megalodon: Similar to this game’s Tyrannosaurus, this creature is consistently referred to as « Megalodon »; with the word being a species epithet, it had to be changed to make the game’s species different from the one Real Life. As such, the real species name here is Carcharodon ultramegalodon.
  • Mighty Glacier: Megalodon are one of the slower ocean creatures, and have a large turning radius, making it easy to escape one or kite it around for combat or taming. Alpha Megalodon are a different story, of course…
  • Threatening Shark: Is it ever!!!

Giant piranhas that lurk in any shallow body of water available, Megapiranha cannot be tamed, but instead serve as a hazard for players crossing rivers, lakes, or swamps.

  • Goddamned Bats: They serve as an aquatic version of this on the ARK.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ».
  • Piranha Problem: Submerge yourself in a body of water and chances are you’ll be swarmed by a bunch of them.
  • Zerg Rush: One of its primary tactics, especially given how most of the wildlife is larger then the average piranha.

Like coelacanths, sabertooth salmon come in a variety of sizes and drop fish meat, as well as the more valuable Prime Fish Meat. However, hunting them is more difficult because they flee from players until harmed, which at that point, they begin to attack the player instead with bleed-inflicting bites.

  • Berserk Button: Attacking just one of these fish will cause the entire flock that they would most certainly be travelling with to attack back, overwhelming the opponent with a Zerg Rush.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ».


An even bigger version of the African Giant Land Snail, Achatina are totally harmless to players, making them an easy source of food and chitin. However, tamed Achatina will naturally produce cementing paste and organic polymer from their slime.

  • Historical Badass Upgrade: Achatina is a real genus of snail, but these are much bigger than any species of them.
  • Picky Eater: The food needed to tame them and the only thing they will eat in captivity is Sweet Vegetable Cake. Fortunately, their hunger depletes quite slowly after the initial taming.
  • Required Secondary Power: Organic polymer takes three times longer to decay in Achatina’s inventory, since otherwise it would decay faster than the snail produces it.
  • Solid Gold Poop: Their slime is functionally identical to cementing paste, and in domesticity they produce about a stack in their inventory every other day. They also secrete organic polymer at a much slower rate.

A denizen of the deep ocean, Ammonites cannot be tamed, but when killed, can provide some items that may be necessary in crafting unique pheromone darts to force creatures to come after you. However, attacking an Ammonite will release its pheromone to alert all nearby water predators to the player’s presence, making hunting the defenseless creature a more daunting task.

  • Metal Slime: The Ammonite Bile that you can harvest from its corpse will allow you to Troll your enemies or other creatures using the Bile to craft Pheromone Darts that when shot at a target, will cause every creature in the vicinity to attack them.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: Their pheromones provoke aggression in nearby wild predators, causing them to come after you. By collecting the pheromone, you can create darts that produce the same effect.

Giant spiders that combine the features of various spider genera, Araneos are a common menace in caves where they attack survivors with their torpor-inducing venom and ability to spit webs. They are tamed in the same fashion as the Onyc bats, where their abilities allow riders to capture targets. They are strongly implied to be the spawn of the Broodmother Lysrix boss.

  • Covers Always Lie: It’s dossier states that it’s too small to ride, even though they were later given saddles after the first Fear Evolved event.
  • Giant Spider: Worse, it’s a composite of all the most nightmarish abilities of spiders as a whole.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Araneomorphus amalgotantibus translates roughly as « a spider-shaped mashup of nightmares ».
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ».
  • Poisonous Person: They have torpor-inducing venom, similar to the Titanoboas in the same caves.

A giant myriapod found in caves, Arthropleura is tamed in the same manner as the spiders and bats. The game’s version possesses the ability to spit acidic blood from its mouth and damage players and their armor when attacked due to said acidic blood. Arthropleura can be set to a turret mode, where they become stationary defenders.

  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Not only does their acidic blood burn through your armor, but they are capable of firing it at you when you are mounted on another animal.
  • Ascended to Carnivorism: It;s depicted as a carnivore, despite being a herbivore in reality.

Cnidaria is simply a large, bioluminescent jellyfish. Like the rest of its kind, it attacks with stinging tentacles that inject powerful sedatives into prey. As it cannot be tamed, Cnidaria are simply a source or underwater light and biotoxins that act as more powerful tranquilizers.

  • Demonic Spiders: Their stings can dismount a player from most rideable dinos and stun them in place long enough for another jellyfish or predator to move in, or for the player (or dino) to drown. This makes them a problem in the open ocean, but especially in underwater caves, where there may not be anywhere to escape to.
  • Electric Jellyfish: Being attacked by one causes an electric effect.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: The dossier states it’s a mix of several species of real-world jellyfish.

Dung Beetles dwell in the caves of the Island where they can be tamed by feeding them feces. When tamed, they possess the marvelous ability to convert any dung placed in their inventory into oil and fertilizer over a process of time.

Informally known as sea scorpions, Eurypterids are found on the dark ocean floor. They cannot be tamed and attack players who get too close with the stamina-draining venom in their tails. The harvested corpse of a dead Eurypterid may carry Black Pearls, an item used in many Tek Tier item recipes.

Swarming out from their hives nestled in the boughs of the redwood forest trees, these enormous bees produce delicious honey, but looting a wild hive is extremely dangerous. Taming a queen and raising your own nest with beekeeping is much safer and profitable.

  • Bee Afraid: Breaking open the hive (or attacking it in general) will result in the bee soldiers attacking whoever broke it.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Like the real world bumblebee, they have a smooth, non-serrated stinger, so they can repeatedly sting you at no risk to themselves.
  • Flunky Boss: A tamed queen’s soldiers will serve both her and you in battle.
  • Metal Slime: Taming your own Queen Bee will allow its hive to create honey, which every single animal loves, and is the only way to tame a Liopleurodon.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: They share traits of both honeybees and bumblebees.
  • Zerg Rush: As bees tend to do.

Giant versions of a common aquatic nuisance, ARK’s leeches do little for players besides latch onto them and drain their blood. Found only in the Swamp Biome, some carry the disease Swamp Fever (those that do are identifiable by being a sickly red-and-orange), which reduces the player’s stats until cured. Leeches also give leech blood from their corpses — an ingredient useful for making medicines.

These giant dragonflies are generally harmless to the player unless attacked. However, if a corpse is nearby, Meganeura will swarm the body to feast and attack any creature that tries to join their meal — players and predators alike. Their attacks also drain stamina.

  • Bug Buzz: One way to figure out that there’s a group of them nearby, before killing or harvesting a corpse.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ». This is likely due to developers having not implemented gender for them yet.
  • Poisonous Person: Its bite has a venom that drains stamina.
  • Zerg Rush: Whenever a creature dies in or near the Swamp biome, you can expect a bunch to immediately swarm the corpse and attack any predators eating it.

A giant species of scorpion that attacks any creature it believes it can kill, Pulmonoscorpius is a very dangerous predator for the unprepared as its sting induces the effects of a tranquilizer dart with every attack. When tamed, players can use this to their advantage by having their scorpions knock-out animals for taming or humans for capture.

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: It’s its main form of attack against its prey and assailants. It can also be used to tranquilise creatures in order to tame them.

These giant ants are herbivores, but by no means peaceful. Always found in small clusters containing several flightless drones and a few winged soldiers, they attack any human that wanders too close to them. Aimer Meganeura, they are easy to kill, a small source for chitin, untamable, and have stamina-draining bites.

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Though much smaller than most of the animals in the game, the real Titanomyrma was the size of a hummingbird while the game creatures are as big as small dogs.
  • Bug Buzz: Their presence is almost always given away by a loud buzzing noise.
  • One-Gender Race: They all have their gender listed as « N/A ». Given the gender structure of modern ants, they are likely all females.
  • Poisonous Person: Its bite has a venom that drains stamina.
  • Strong Ants: Averted, as they are fairly easy to kill.
  • Zerg Rush: A small group of them will attack any survivor that accidentally wanders too close to them.

Trilobites are found in both deep water and by the beach. Totally harmless, they are a good source of meat and chitin for new players, as well as a simple way to get small amounts of valuable oil and silica pearls.

These giant squids are true terrors of the deep to both divers and sea life. They possess powerful combat traits like tentacles that prevent victims from fleeing and drain blood while healing them, as well as ink clouds that increase their speed and blind enemies. They passively produce oil, but when tamed (passive feeding with black pearls; a difficult task), they are among the strongest creatures in the game.

  • Combo Platter Powers: Has a huge number of secondary abilities for this game.
  • Combat Tentacles: Not only can they smack targets with their tentacles for some alarming damage they can grab other creatures as well which both slowly tranquilizes the victim and allows the squid to leech health back to itself.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: A very powerful aquatic mount but their backwards facing swimming method makes them difficult to maneuver, especially in tight spaces.
  • Giant Squid: A prehistoric king at least.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: The strongest tameable sea creature. Not even the Mosa is as powerful.
  • King Mook: The Alpha Tusoteuthis is a bigger, faster and stronger version of the regular Tusoteuthis, also capable of buffing other nearby predators. As such, it takes considerably more effort to kill one, but if you manage to pull it off, you’ll be rewarded with a large experience bounty, a pile of raw prime fish meat, a treasure trove’s worth of black pearls and possibly high-quality tools and weapons.
  • Life Drain: The « crush » attack it uses when grappling an opponent only inflicts 100 damage regardless of melee modifiers, but it also heals the Tuso.
  • No-Sell: To the grab attacks of other Tusoeuthis.
  • Picky Eater: The best way to tame it, is to get a lot of black pearls to feed it.
  • Standard Status Effects: Can inflict torpor, blind, and slow down effects through various means.
  • Status Buff: Using the ink cloud ability increases it’s speed for a short time.
  • Smoke Out: Can release a cloud of ink to escape threats or easily re-position. This blinds and slows enemies in the cloud and gives the Tuso a short speed boost.

Scorched Earth

The DLC Scorched Earth has several animals that cannot be found on The Island or The Center, so we’ve put them in their own category for convenience.These enormous, untamable burrowing monsters strike from beneath the sands to consume any creature they deem prey (which is literally any creature). If their first lunge misses, however, survivors will find an opportunity to attack or flee. They also come in the rarer and vaster Mega Deathworm variant.

  • Border Patrol: Helena’s notes speculate that the Deathworms serve this purpose; to prevent inhabitants of the Scorched Earth ARK from wandering outside the designated artificial environment. They essentially do what the ocean does for the Island ARK.
  • King Mook: There is an rare Alpha variant that appears in the same area, and is much larger, stronger and faster than the average Deathworm.
  • Our Cryptids Are More Mysterious: Based on the Mongolian Death Worm. Its genus is even Khorkoi, derived from the local name for the creature.
  • Rare Random Drop: If one searches their inventory before tearing up their corpse, one can find Leech Blood, Angler Gel, Black Pearls or Organic Polymer, all of which are incredibly useful.
  • Sand Worm: It’s an enormous worm that lives in the sand, go figure.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: They are related to (and resemble) bobbit worms.
  • Shout-Out: A double dose, if you count the above. Full scientific name? Khorkoi arrakis

These cute little desert rodents hop about the wastes, being hunted by survivors for their hides and predators for their flesh. In a world that is semi-regularly wracked by sandstorms and thunderstorms, though, survivors will find that Jerboas serve more than cuddly companions, thanks to their instinctive ability to sense changes in weather.

  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: It is able to sense when a storm is coming, making them very useful pets.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: « …an adorable little fuzzball and I just want to hug it forever », to quote Helena.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: Jerboas are a real-life, non-extinct group of desert rodents that hop about like kangaroos. More interestingly, ARK’s Jerboa is of a fictional genus Renopila.

Jug Bugs are a curious species of beetle-like insect that derives their name from the sack-like organ on their backs that stores water like a honeypot ant. Because they are untamable yet totally harmless to survivors, a living Jug Bug’s sack can be collected for valuable resources. Two types exist — green ones that carry water and red ones that carry oil.

  • Boring, but Practical: They’re absolutely no threat to the player, and they don’t have to be killed in order to gather their resources.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: It seems to have been inspired by the Honey Pot Ant, and some species of beetle.

Also known as the Desert Moth, Lymantria is a slow-moving flyer that when releases toxic spores from its abdomen when attacked. Survivors can use this natural defense to turn a Lymantria into an aerial bomber of sorts, damaging and slowing victims with its poisons.

  • Ascended Fanon: It was originally conceived as a giant Lepidoptera on the Ark fan art forums, before officially being implemented into the game proper.
  • Poisonous Person: It’s spores are poisonous to most species on Scorched Earth, except for other Lymantria.

At first glance, the Mantis may seem to be simply just another overgrown insect, but the truth is far more dangerous. The Mantises of Scorched Earth have opposable digits on their forelimbs. Combined with their intelligence and ability to leap like grasshoppers, this means they can only be tamed by passively feeding them Deathworm Horns (a player will also need Bug Spray to avoid their aggression). When domesticated, they make for excellent combatants and can wield tools and melee weapons, allowing riders to let their mounts mine at stones or swordfight.

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies
  • Dual Wielding: Whenever it’s given a weapon the mantis will always be holding two.
  • Gaia’s Vengeance: Helena believes they may have been created directly by the Overseer to destroy large settlements (thus explaining their intelligence and power) but this was foiled by Dahkeya exploding their sulfur filled den.
  • Genius Bruiser: It can kill with not just its leaping ability, but by using weapons to battle directly.
  • In a Single Bound: It can jump quite far when given the order.
  • It Can Think: They not only know how to use tools, but Helena believes they might even have a language. This means the mantises may be the insect equivalent of cavemen forming primitive tribes.
  • Mundane Utility: Once equipped with the right tools, a tamed mantis can harvest any resource a player can, at the greater efficiency levels of a creature specialized to do so. However, like the Therizinosaurus, it receives no weight reduction bonus, so its ability to carry what it collects is limited.
  • Slaying Mantis: One of the most deadly, and intelligent species in the entire game.

The Morellatops is fictional herbivorous dinosaur resembling a camel mixed with a hornless Triceratops. It is unique in its ability to store water in its sail-like hump, allowing players to use them as mobile water tanks. Otherwise, a Morellatops is a strong and reliable choice of pack animal for the desert survivor.

  • Boring, but Practical: It may not seem like something one should tame, but given how important water is on Scorched Earth, taming it is a must.
  • In-Series Nickname: It has the nickname of ‘Camelosaurus’, for obvious reasons.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: It’s a ceratopsian that’s similar to a camel thanks to convergent evolution.

Completely unlike any other creature in the game, wild Rock Elementals spend their time in dormancy, disguised among boulders and rock piles. Players who attempt to mine those rocks will quickly find themselves being pummeled by an enraged colossus unless they flee a sufficient distance. These lumbering brutes are tamed in the same manner as a Titanosaur and only harmed by explosives, armor-piercing rounds, wyverns, other Rock Elementals, and of course bosses, making them formidable siege engines. A weaker, untamable variety called the Rubble Golem exists in caves.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Their ranged attack involves ripping a huge boulder from the ground and flinging it.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Rock Elementals can only be fed Stone, Clay, or Sulfur.
  • Golem: Sort of. Helena outright mentions the mythical Golem of Prague in its file. Its variants are even called Golems (Rubble, Ice and Chalk).
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: They disguise themselves as large rocks when idle, leaving you with a nasty surprise if you try to mine it.
  • The Juggernaut: Without the above mentioned weapons or creatures, it will simply walk through any defense you mount and only metal or Tek walls can slow it down.
  • Mighty Glacier: Slow as molasses but it can tank (and kill) an alpha deathworm or rip through thatch, wood, and stone buildings with ease.
  • Takes One to Kill One: They seem to be very good at killing each other.
  • Underground Monkey: An almost literal example with the Rubble Golems that exist in the caves.

An elusive bird that only appears during the semi-regular super-intense heat waves that plague Scorched Earth, the Phoenix is very difficult to tame due to its shyness, ability to immolate attackers with its bite, and diet of flames. A domesticated Phoenix can be ridden with no saddle, giving riders mastery over its fiery powers, allowing one to cook meat and smelt ore, as well as set creatures aflame.

  • Kill It with Fire: Averted, you have to blast it with flame-based weaponry in order to tame it. Played Straight later on where you do in fact kill enemies with its flaming attack.
  • Mundane Utility: As well as simply being able to set your enemies and targets on fire, it can also cook meat and smelt ores for you.
  • The Phoenix: Obviously.
  • Playing with Fire: Given it’s existence, this is obvious.
  • Wreathed in Flames: The only explanation one would have if it is being ridden.

This giant relative of the real life Thorny Devil is referred to as a Spiny Lizard by some because of its quill-like defenses. These poisonous spines can be hurled from the lizard’s tail, making the Thorny Dragon a strong war beast. Their saddles also act as mobile smithies.

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: It shoots spines from its tail, which is its primary form of attack.
  • Living Weapon: It’s decent attack damage, as well as its ability to shoot spines from its tail, make it this.
  • Poisonous Person: The spines have a tranquilizing effect on those hit by them.
  • Spike Shooter: Or rather spine shooter, which it shoots at its targets in order to tranquilize, or defeat them.

The Vultures of Scorched Earth strongly resemble modern day species of Old World Vultures. Although Vultures become aggressive in the presence of carcasses, they are tamed by passively feeding them spoiled meat. When domesticated, a Vulture can collect meat and items while perched upon the player’s shoulder or flying and also accelerate the spoiling time for any meat it is carrying, so that players can make more narcotics for taming.

  • Circling Vultures: It will sometimes do something similar to this.
  • Goddamned Bats: It will act in a similar vein to this when in the presence of corpses, and the player can make it act as this towards other players after it’s tamed.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Given that meat already spoils more quickly in Scorched Earth, the fact that it makes it spoil more rapidly makes it rather annoying to have unless you have big ambitions for taming your own personal army of creatures.

The Wyverns of Scorched Earth are found only in the so-called World Scar, where they attack any creature they see. Because of this ferocity, adult wyverns are untamable, so players must steal eggs from their nests and raise the young to maturity. If all goes well, a survivor will find a powerful aerial mount that needs no saddle and can breathe deadly blasts of elemental power at their foes.

  • Acid Attack: Green Wyverns breathe acid. (Though interestingly, it can be countered by a gas mask.)
  • Breath Weapon: Four variants — acid, fire, lightning or ice — depending on the wyvern’s color.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: A wyvern’s color determines the type of elemental breath it has.
  • Gaia’s Vengeance: A variation. According to Dahkeya’s and Helena’s notes they might have been created by the Ark’s Overseer to scatter the city of Nositi after it’s first attempt with the manti failed.
  • An Ice Person: Cyan Wyverns have ice breath. Unique to Ragnarok.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: For Scorched Earth.
  • King Mook: There are the Alpha variant that, like all other alphas, are larger, faster and stronger than the average variant (though they only come in the fire wyvern form).
  • Our Wyverns Are Different: They are smaller and weaker relatives of the dragon boss monster, and can be tamed and ridden as mounts if raised from the egg. They come in several variants:
    • Common wyverns come in fire, poison, lightning and ice variants, distinguished by their scale colors and associated Breath Weapons.
    • Forest Wyverns are a specific kind that only spawns during the Forest Titan fight, does not attack and largely serves as a source of convenient mounts during the fight, until they die or despawn.
    • Alpha wyverns are larger, stronger and rarer variants of common fire wyverns.
    • Zombie wyverns are undead wyverns that spawned during the 2016 Halloween event. Dodo wyverns, which spawned during the same event, had birdlike beaks and could use the breath weapons of the regular fire, poison and lightning variants.
  • Picky Eater: Baby wyverns will only eat Wyvern Milk, only obtainable from knocking out wild female wyverns. Without that, the only way to raise one to maturity is to overload a Daeodon with food and use its healing aura, but then you’ll miss out on the imprinting bonus.
  • Playing with Fire: Red Wyverns breathe fire.
  • Poisonous Person: The green wyverns breathe a poisonous acid at targets.
  • Shock and Awe: Dark blue Wyverns breathe lightning.


The non-canon DLC Ragnarok has few creatures exclusive to the map, mostly consisting of variants of creatures found in Scorched Earth, as well as two mini-bosses.These mighty half-lion, half-eagle beasts are powerful fliers and incredibly aggressive. While challenging to tame, they are extremely mobile mounts and able to perform fearsome divebombs on their enemies.

Icy variants of the Death Worms, found in the Frozen Dungeon in Ragnarok. They have a blue colour scheme and are generally weaker than the normal Death Worms, but still a very difficult opponent to defeat.

  • Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: They are male deathworms, that are much smaller that their boss, the Iceworm Queen.
  • Fatal Flaw: So long as someone is in front of them, they will not move, this makes them surprisingly easy to deal with, combined with their relatively low health. The Iceworm Queen also shares this flaw.
  • Glass Cannon: In comparison to the normal Deathworms, these have only a fraction of their health, though they still hit very hard.
  • Palette Swap: It’s a cyan-coloured version of the regular Deathworms found on Scorched Earth.
  • Rare Random Drop: See the regular Deathworm above for details.

The boss of the Frozen Dungeon, and a much larger version of the Iceworm Males that also dwell in the same dungeon.

  • Cool House: Or rather, a cool lair. She and her brood burrowed a lair deep into a glacier, and called it home.
  • Fatal Flaw: See Iceworm Male above.
  • Final Boss: Of the Frozen Dungeon.
  • King Mook: Or rather Queen Mook of the Iceworms on Ragnarok.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: It’s only confirmed female of its species in the DLC, and just so happens to be the boss of said species.
  • Mother of a Thousand Young: It’s heavily implied that she is the mother of the Iceworm Males also present in the Frozen Dungeon.
  • Villain of Another Story: Judging by all of the dead and dying dinos that we find in the Frozen Dungeon.

Cyan-coloured versions of wyverns found only on Ragnarok. They fly around the map stunning players and their mounts with their icy breath.

  • An Ice Person: An odd variation, it has an ice breath ability, but it mostly just stuns its targets rather than freezing them.
  • Breath Weapon: Like the other wyverns.
  • Palette Swap: It’s an cyan-coloured version of the wyverns found on Scorched Earth.

A variant of the rock elementals found on the Scorched Earth map with orange Tron Lines all along it. It acts as its own dungeon boss.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Like the Rock Elemental, it throws rocks at its enemies, though these ones are red hot.
  • Final Boss: Of the Volcano Dungeon.
  • King Mook: Possibly this for the Rock Elementals of ARK.
  • Magma Man: A lava-based monster covered in rocks.
  • Rock Monster: One that is fused with lava to live.
  • Volcano Lair: Where its situated, and where you battle it.


The DLC Aberration has a number of creatures unique to its mutated, subterranean environment.These gigantic snakes wait for prey beneath the surface, with only their distinctive forked tails visible, attacking by spitting globs of deadly venom. Brave enough survivors can domesticate these monsters to use their ambush tactics against enemies.

  • Breath Weapon: Fires blasts of explosive poison.
  • Child Eater: Can only be tamed by feeding it fertilized Rock Drake eggs.
  • Fast Tunnelling: Can hide itself and it’s rider underground allowing it to move even faster over rough terrain. This makes it completely invulnerable to most types of damage. Though notably a rider will eventually suffocate as if they were underwater.
  • Fatal Flaw: Its humongous turn radius. Also, the fact that its tail sticks out of the ground, giving away its hiding place.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: It hides in the ground, waiting for something to walk over for it to eat.
  • Infinity -1 Sword: Along with the Rock Drake. They aren’t as powerful as a Reaper, but are much easier to tame.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: It has the speed, strength and carry weight that’s perfect for a map like Aberration.
  • King Mook: There’s an Alpha variant that’s bigger, faster and stronger than the regular kind.
  • Lightning Bruiser: This creature is alarmingly quick for it’s size. It’s actually one of the fastest ground creatures in the game and can power over most terrain without even stopping. Stat wise it’s comparable to a land bound ‘Mosasaurus’.
  • Poisonous Person: It shoots a ball of poison towards its target.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: An absolutely massive serpent.
  • Weapon of X-Slaying: It appears to be very good at targeting and killing Nameless.

A curious and harmless bioluminescent creature resembling a hybrid of a pug, a frog, and an anglerfish. Because it produces a light energy called Charge, it is one of several small animals that survivors can befriend as a living light source of Aberration’s underground world.

Owl-like birds that dwell in only the deepest caverns of Aberration’s bizarre world, relying on Charge to illuminate the dark. Featherlights are one of of a plethora small and harmless creatures that acts as a living light source for beginning survivors.

Giant fireflies that light up Aberration’s underground environment with their Charge. They are among the defenseless and peaceful creatures that provide light for survivors, but they cannot be tamed.

  • Boring, but Practical: It does absolutely no harm to the player, and it doesn’t need to be killed in order to extract Charge Light.
  • Cool, but Inefficient: On the other hand however, it can be kept around as an untamed pet, and the survivors will have a plentiful source of Charge light on hand, though it will take a while for the Glowbug to recharge itself after having the Charge extracted.
  • Living Battery: It is essentially this, as you can extract the Charge from them and let them recharge before extracting again.

A bioluminescent reptile resembling a gliding lizard of some kind. It is the third of the tamable sources of light and Charge needed to survive in the darkness of Aberration for new survivors.

  • Butt-Monkey: The dossier states that it’s an easy meal for many of the creatures on Aberration, and that it sits at the bottom of the food chain.
  • Fragile Speedster: Speed is it’s main defence mechanism.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Like the Bulbdog, it says that it’s a herbivore, yet if the player feeds it meat, it will eat that.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: The dossier states that it looks like a combination of a Gecko and the Common Flying Dragon.
  • Ugly Cute: The dossier makes mention of this when describing how it looks.

Enormous spider crabs that prowl the shores of lakes, Karkinos have four pincers that allow them to grab prey and crush them to death, smash them against the ground, or throw them at hard surfaces. They are also frighteningly agile for their size. For these reason, survivors like to tame these monster crustaceans to use on their enemies.

  • Face Palm Of Doom: Can grab creatures and crush them. Due to the animation it tends to snag them by the head.
  • Fastball Special: It can lob the creatures it has grappled pretty far. Smaller creatures can be thrown right out of view.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: Looks like a massive, mutated spider crab.
  • In a Single Bound: These things can jump a very long way. If you attack one from higher ground don’t be surprised to see it sailing through the air at your supposedly safe position.
  • Jack-of-All-Trades: It has great movement speed, an epic jumping ability, can breathe underwater, harvest some materials and can carry creatures around the entire map.
  • King Mook: There’s an Alpha variant that’s bigger faster and stronger than the regular variant.
  • Mixand Match Critters: It resembles a Spider Crab, has a second set of pincers that bring the harvestman’s spider to mind, and has blood of a similar colour to a Horseshoe Crab.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: It has to pairs of pincers, though only the larger pair are ever used.

Giant bioluminescent lampreys that menace Aberration’s precious water sources. They produce a debilitating poison that can only be cured with a special antidote when they latch onto prey.

An enormous and heavily armoured cousin of the naked mole rat. These burrowing herbivores frequently churn up valuable minerals when they dig, but are very protective of those treasures, attacking by rolling up into a ball and smashing into threats. Survivors can tame these massive rodents to utilize their attacks with a special saddle and carry two additional riders.

  • Berserk Button: Don’t touch their gems!
  • Be the Ball: As their name suggests, they can roll into a ball to move quickly and their saddles have to fold into a cage in order for it’s rider to stay on.
  • Charged Attack: Like the Woolly Rhino, it gains more speed and momentum the more it travels, albeit in its ball form.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: The dossier states that it can harm metal structures in its ball form, yet in-game, it doesn’t even put a small dent in any metal structure.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: While it’s clearly a relative of the Naked Mole Rat, It has armour on its back that resemble those of armadillo, and can curl into a ball like a hedgehog.
  • Rodents of Unusual Size: A relative of the naked mole rat that’s big enough to for three people to ride.
  • Sweet Tooth: They can only be tamed by being passive fed with honey.

Mysterious and degenerate monsters that hunt in packs. The Nameless attack any survivor not protected by Charge, striking from underground under the command of their pack alphas.

  • Always Chaotic Evil: They are viciously aggressive towards humans and unlike most other creatures, can’t be tamed by any means.
  • Chupacabra: More or less what they are based on visually. Their behavior is nothing like it though.
  • Genius Bruiser: It knows when it’s losing a fight and burrows underground to heal itself before it can fight again.
  • Mook Commander: One among a pack will transform into an alpha, which if not killed quickly enough, will summon a Reaper King to join the fight.
  • Straight for the Commander: A requirement to keep any fight involving them from spiraling out of control. If the Alpha isn’t killed quick enough a Reaper joins the battle.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: In dark areas these things will ne pas leave you alone, not even if you are near a tamed creature that can butcher them like cattle.
  • To Serve Man: They seem to hunt humans excessively, the only things they will attack besides people are things that get between them and people.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: If you don’t kill or escape them fast enough, they’ll do this to you by calling a Reaper King to join the battle. Taking out the Alpha of the group stops this from happening.
  • Weakened by the Light: Charge Light specifically, normal light doesn’t help. Charge light drives most Nameless away and those that do try to fight are easy pickings for any defenders.

Monstrous canines that prowl Aberration’s caverns in hunting packs. They are able to clamber onto the natural and artificial zip lines used by survivors to travel over chasms. Survivors that admire their mobility and pack-hunting ferocity like to tame these beasts.

  • Bloody Murder: Can inflict the « Gnashed » status which slows the target and causes them to gush blood for constant damage.
  • Canis Major: Is easily the size of a horse and while it looks like a giant, ground dwelling bat of sorts; the dossier lists its taxonomic name is Canis barghest, revealing it to be a bizarre looking giant canine.
  • Genius Bruiser: The dossier states that it perfectly adapted to life in the caves of Aberration, with its zipline ability, and being able to take on a lot of weight by itself.
  • Meaningful Name: Its scientific name, Barghest, is in fact the name of a creature from English folklore that usually takes the form of a monstrous black dog, and is seen as the omen of death, much like the Ravager itself.
  • Mook Commander: In any pack, there’s always one alpha that is the strongest of the pack, and will have to be taken down if one is to survive both it and its comrades’ attack.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: The dossier states that it definitely has what it takes to be top predator, but in Aberration, it has to compete with the likes of the Basilisks, Reapers and Rock Drakes, forcing it to occupy the middle part of the map’s food chain.
  • Wall Crawl: Of sorts, not as much as the Thylacoleo ou Megalania, but it can go up vines and navigate the ziplines.

Enormous carnivores that resemble predatory dinosaurs, Reapers are in fact much more alien creatures, as evidenced by their ability to impregnate survivors with their deadly larvae by stinging victims with their tails. These burrowing alpha predators cannot be tamed, but a lucky survivor can get a youngling to imprint on them if they possess a Reaper Pheromone Gland.

  • Achilles’ Heel: A near unstoppable killing machine on land but when it enters the water it can only paddle very slowly, loses access to it’s tail attacks and has no diving ability to speak off.
  • Alien Blood: Its blood is yellow.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: They have spikes along their tail that contain narcotic venom. They can throw these like a toxic shotgun-blast at targets. The tail of a Queen also acts as an impregnating organ, which really targets humans.
  • Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: Queens are twice the kings size and have fins on their heads while males have crests.
  • Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong: They breed this way. Taming one requires the unwilling « mother » to use a pheromone gland to a) survive the birth and b) get the baby to imprint on them.
  • Fast Tunnelling: Capable of this. The wild ones use it to ambush targets or escape death.
  • In a Single Bound: Fully capable of clearing huge cliffs, ravines, or base defenses in a single hop.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: The strongest tame in Aberration.
  • Kaiju: Queens are nearly as large as the Giganotosaurus.
  • King Mook: Or rather, Queen Mook, which is much bigger and can impregnate survivors with its tail. There’s also the Alpha Surface Reaper King, which is much bigger than the average Surface Reaper King.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Charge light weakens them drastically, making them easier to deal with.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Just as powerful as it’s size would suggest and much faster than you’d think, not to mention the aforementioned leaping ability.
  • One-Gender Race: Zig-zagged, while it’s fairly obvious that the King is male, and the Queen is female, they themselves aren’t shown having genders, instead being listed as N/A.
  • Raised by Humans: The only way to tame one of these monsters is to let a queen implant you, survive the resulting birth, and raise the baby. Tamed Reapers are always male (a King), but they are much stronger then other males if imprinted fully and can easily take on a wild Alpha or Queen.
  • Shout-Out: They look like the end result of a Xenomorph impregnating a T. rex. The queens even have the ability to implant a Chest Burster in a host and the player can go full on Weyland-Yutani and raise the resulting baby as a pet.
  • Underground Monkey: There are three kinds:
    • The Elemental Reaper King, which is the Glass Cannon of Reapers.
    • A literal one with the Subterranean Reaper King, which is the second most common one encountered.
    • And then the Surface Reaper King, which only exists on the irradiated surface of the Aberrant ARK.

Subterranean dragons that have adapted to the underground world of Aberration through the ability to change color as an effective form of invisibility. These ferocious gliders can only be tamed by stealing an egg and raising the hatchling to adulthood, providing a powerful mount that is also able to detect the presence of their natural enemies, the Reapers.

  • Always a Bigger Fish: Think the Nameless and Reapers are bad? The Rock Drake considers them their natural prey.
  • Infinity -1 Sword: Along with the Basilisk. Much weaker then a tamed Reaper, but possessing a lot more utility and easier to acquire.
  • Invisibility Flicker: It employs this tactic to stalk its prey. It also passes this invisibility on to its rider.
  • Lightning Bruiser: It’s very fast and can even glide faster than most airborne creatures can fly but they also have have high HP and attack strength.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: It can detect when there’s a Nameless pack, or a Reaper close by. When it senses their presence, its quills/feathers stand on their ends.
  • Not Quite Flight: While it can’t fly, per se, it can glide long distances.
  • Not the Intended Use: It makes for a surprisingly good water mount.
  • Wall Crawl: Much like Thylacoleo et Megalania, the Rock Drake can scale walls with ease, making it an excellent mount for exploring Aberration’s caverns.

These untamable monsters resemble hideous hybrids of lizards, squids, and bats. They feed of Charge and viciously attack any survivors wielding a source of it, attacking in swarms.

  • Bilingual Bonus: Their scientific name, Chimaeram odiosus, loosely translates into « Chimera are annoying ». This makes sense, given the frustration Helena expresses with the creatures in her Explorer Notes. (Even better when you realize Helena probably named them!)
  • Eldritch Abomination: Possibly the best way to describe them.
  • Genius Bonus: The tentacles they have on their mouths are extremely similar to the Star-Nosed Mole, another underground-dwelling creature. They may even have the same function.
  • Goddamned Bats: An almost literal example, as they will attack you if you have Charge on you, and very quickly swarm you.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: They are a monstrous combination of lizards, squids, and bats.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: More of an annoyance most of the time, but if they get near a source of Charge Light they go crazy.
  • Weakened by the Light: Soundly Averted, these things are attracted to and strengthened by Charge Light, meaning that survivors need to carefully thread the use of Charge to keep them, and other creatures at bay.
  • Zerg Rush: Their main tactic in attacking a player character.

A swift but tiny deer-like animal found only in Aberration’s nigh-inhospitable surface world. It is the last of the various critters that can be domesticated as a source of Charge.


The DLC Extinction taking place on Corrupted Earth is the final test of all the skills, know-how and experience the player has amassed. It is by far the hardest map.Earth has been infected with raw element which, as seen with Rockwell in Aberration, mutates and corrupts any life it comes in contact with. These corrupted monsters come in many familiar forms, but they are all completely hostile to all other forms of life no matter their temperaments before.

  • Barrier-Busting Blow: All corrupted creatures deal MASSIVE damage to any kind of structure, including Tek which only a few things could damage before.
  • Body Horror: The Corrupted all suffer from horrifying deformations in their flesh. Huge sections of every creature are twisted with black root like growths that leave large parts of the animal covered in holes. This can include their chests and faces.
  • The Corruption: it’s in the name. Terrifyingly in seems to be able to infect anything organic. Everything from dinosaurs, to fantasy dragons, to the sci-fi Reapers have fallen to it. It even twists the very soil it touches.
  • Color Motif: Black and purple matching with all forms of raw Element. Contrasts against the silver and blue of refined element/tek.
  • Covers Always Lie: The dossier for these creatures has a Bronto on it, even though a Corrupted Brontosaurus is not seen in Extinction at all.
  • The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: A lot of corrupted creatures have forgotten how to use their special abilities. They make up for it by being tougher and stronger then they should be.
  • Eating Optional: Seemingly at any rate. Corrupted creatures will attack anything, but even the carnivores won’t eat the corpses except accidentally while attacking something else.
  • Enemy to All Living Things: They attack literally anything alive that isn’t one of them.
  • Fearless Undead: While not literal undead they do have a lot of similarities. They are also completely without fear and will fight until they are dead even if the species would normally flee.
  • Hive Mind: Stated to have this. It manifests in game as massive aggro ranges. Getting in a fight with one corrupted creature will pull any of them within a sizeable range.
  • Immune to Bullets: Or at least those fired by automated defenses like turrets. For example: Tek turrets normally do in the range of 400-500 damage a hit. Corrupted will only take 15 damage per shot. Thankfully player controlled weapons work fine.
  • Purple Is Powerful: The gaps in their flesh glow with eerie purple light to warn you these things are much nastier then they appear.

Machine protector of the city. They attack any corrupted that wander to close as well as responding to hostiles tagged by scouts.

  • Big Guy, Little Guy: The big guy to the Scout’s little guy when patrolling the city in the wild.
  • Knock Back: They do this in their default attack.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms: They move very organically for machines. They are also not tamed and are instead built by the player.
  • Standard Status Effects: Has a two armed smash that causes knock back and a slowing stun effect.
  • Teleportation: Another of their powers lets them blink forward short distances.
  • Wall Crawl: Capable of this. It helps getting around in the cities complex skyscraper terrain.
  • Weapon of X-Slaying: Corrupted slaying in this case. They do huge bonus damage to any corrupted creature.

Sloth-like creatures that dwell deep in the earth. They eat literally anything and can produce crystals from their backs that can likewise contain pretty much anything when broken open.

  • Can’t Live Without You: They tend to get very sad if they are separated from their mate.
  • Color Motif: Like all creatures with refined Tek in them they have silver and blue implants.
  • Cyborg: They have Tek implants which are visible along their underbellies and necks. Strangely these are apparently a natural part of their physiology.
  • Extreme Omnivore: They can eat pretty much anything that isn’t poop. This includes solid rock and even metal buildings.
  • Gentle Giant: Stated and proven many times.
  • Meaningful Name: In the dossier, Helena names them after one of the people in her tribe mentions their similarity to the Gachapon machines from Japan.
  • Random Drops: Their entire purpose. You feed them stuff and they in turn produce random things for you. This can be anything from resources to extremely powerful weapons.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Eating snow owl pellets seems to improve the quality of items a gacha produces, as well as the rate at which they’re tamed.

Strange caterpillar-looking creatures that inhabit the wastes. Survivors will quickly find that their name is very apt.

  • Bizarre Alien Locomotion: They can slowly shuffle about with their tiny legs but their main form of travel is flight, specifically after they inflate themselves, they release jets of air from their underside which allows them to fly like a runaway balloon and slow their descent to land.
  • Cockroaches Will Rule the Earth: They’re an evolutionary descendant of the tardigrade, a creature known for its survivability.
  • Color Motif: Like all creatures with refined Tek in them, they have silver and blue implants.
  • Cyborg: They have Tek implants which are visible along their underbellies. Strangely these are apparently a natural part of their physiology.
  • Gasshole: They can inhale huge amounts of air and use it to either reduce damage, float off in the sky, or blast attackers away.
  • Gentle Giant: Larger than a rhino (especially when inflated) but they are passive and prefer to retreat from danger rather than fly.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: They often have these.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: Their a weird pseudo-flying creature that gets around by floating. No other creature in the game has a mechanic even close to this.
  • Not Quite Flight: Jet propulsion.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: It’s a giant waterbear.
  • Stronger Than They Look: They look extremely squishy. Don’t let that fool you though, not only are they one of toughest things in the game, at least when inflated, they can also carry huge amounts of weight, more then brontos in fact.
  • The Unexpected: In this case a waterbear surviving isn’t the unexpected thing, that’s what they’re known for after all. The unexpected part is how huge the things are considering normal waterbears are microscopic.

Perhaps the most unusual creature in the game, the Managarmr is a wyvern with jet boosters in its feet. No, we don’t know how either, we just know it’s awesome.

  • Bizarre Alien Biology: The jetpacks in it’s feet are hollow bone chambers in which it mixes explosive gases for propulsion.
  • Color Motif: Like all creatures with refined Tek in them they have silver and blue implants.
  • Cyborg: They have Tek implants which are visible in their legs and underbellies. Strangely these are apparently a natural part of their physiology.
  • Foil: Gameplay wise it could be considered one to the Gasbag. The Gasbag has low offence but high durability and it’s movment is very slow over short distances but can fly through the air over a large area. The Managarmr has strong attacks but low health for it’s size and it’s jets allow it to move with incredible speed over a short distance but it’s incapable of sustained flight.
  • An Ice Person: It can unleash powerful blasts of super cold air that can freeze targets solid in seconds.
  • Instant Awesome: Just Add Dragons!: A very strange, but still recognizably draconic creature. For extra awesome it’s a rocket powered dragon. Helena’s tentative classification puts it in the Draconis genus with wyverns and rock drakes.
  • Jet Pack: Managarmr do not flap their wings at all, instead they achieve lift via the Tek rockets in their feet. This makes them the fastest flyers in game bar none. What could possibly be faster then a jet-dragon?
  • Our Dragons Are Different: It’s body shape resembles the Wyvern but it’s fur, lynx-like face and the fact it gives live birth indicates that it’s a mammal. Not to mention the whole rocket booster thing.

Small flying machines that patrol the ruined city in Extinction. Be warned: commit no violence were they can see you.

  • Berserk Button: They don’t tolerate any fighting or taming in their vicinity. They also flag down players that are carrying guns.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: The little guy to the Enforcer’s big guy.
  • Enemy-Detecting Radar: They can help players see other players and creatures while being used as a drone. See Infrared Xray Camera below.
  • Infrared Xray Camera: Or something like it anyways. It highlights various creatures in different colors to disguish them easier.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms: Of a sorts, they seem to have a sense of what’s right and wrong, and have to be built instead of being tamed, like the Enforcer.
  • The Medic: It’s able to heal Meks when hovering above them, proving essential in fights with the Titans.
  • Target Spotter: They can work like this. « Wild » ones react to tout violence near them and set off an alarm which draws nearby Enforcers. The player can do this too, but they also allow you to tag a target to easily keep track of it’s location.
  • Useless Security Camera: Thoroughly Averted, this thing is very good at what it does, especially if you end up doing something wrong in the city.

Large owls native to the tundra zone in Extinction. They’ve evolved special icy powers to help them survive.

  • Color Motif: Like all creatures with refined Tek in them they have silver and blue implants.
  • Cyborg: They have Tek implants which are visible in their feet and eyes. Strangely these are apparently a natural part of their physiology.
  • Death from Above: It has a dive bomb ability similar to the Griffin. See An Ice Person below.
  • Harmless Freezing: Even more unrealistic then normal if you can believe it, being frozen by a Snow Owl actually heals the target.
  • An Ice Person: Has control of ice and can freeze things near it solid. It can do this on a larger scale if done from a dive bomb, turning it into an icy missile.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: They evoke this sometimes.
  • Shown Their Work: Like real owls, snow owls do not poop. Instead they vomit compacted pellets of the indigestible parts of whatever they’ve eaten recently, and metabolize everything they can.
  • Solid Gold Poop: Or close to it anyways. Snow Owls create owl pellets which are the Gacha’s favorite food. Considering the things Gacha’s can make well…

A dinosaur-looking lizard. They can be mistaken for a large raptor from a distance, but get to close and you’ll get a spiky surprise.

  • Color Motif: Like all creatures with refined Tek in them they have silver and blue implants.
  • Cyborg: They have Tek implants which are visible in their frills. Strangely these are apparently a natural part of their physiology.
  • Fatal Flaw: When shooting, they will stand still, which some survivors can take advantage of.
  • Flechette Storm: Oh, boy can they ever pull this off. The sheer number of projectiles these things put out makes them one of the most devastating creature on any Ark despite being of comparable size and stats to a Carno. They can annihilate much larger creatures with terrifying ease.
  • Glass Cannon: Possibly the most extreme case in the game. They have a health pool similar to a carno, yet can out damage pretty much anything. Even super predators like gigas, rexs, wyverns, and reapers have trouble keeping up with them in terms of sheer damage output.
  • Raptor Attack: Resembles one at any rate. They behave a lot like an overgrown dilophosaurus though.
  • Slurpasaur: A somewhat unusual variation. It greatly resembles a theropod dinosaur but it’s heavily implied to be descended from modern lizards.
  • Spike Shooter: What they do when they open their facial frills. Rather then spit like dilos, they can shoot spikes at their targets like a living minigun or launch them all over the place while flailing around as an AOE.
  • Spin Attack: The second way that they can shoot projectiles, which allows it to be protected from all sides if attacked.
  • Superior Successor: To the Dilophosaurus, as these shoot much more effective projectiles, as well as being larger and stronger than them.
  • Vocal Dissonance: When attacking they make an appropriately reptilian snarl but when calm they make a warbling noise more befitting a bird.


One of the non-canon DLC ARKs available for free download, Valguero combines much of what Scorched Earth et Aberration had, as well as a small number of exclusive features, such as multiple wyvern trenches, a white cliffs biome, freezing air (Cold Desert only) rainbows, auroras, and a [very] small selection of unique creatures.The Deinonychus is Valguero’s only totally unique creature, being a relative of the Raptor (as well as being around its size), having a large amount of feathers covering its body, and being able to grapple onto most creatures larger than itself, and living a semi-arboreal lifestyle.

  • Eaten Alive: The dossier states that it begins to eat its prey while still latched onto it and when its still completely alive.
  • Feathered Fiend: Possibly the most feathered non-bird in the game.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: The dossier states that it loves doing this.
  • Mama Bear: If one steals an egg from tout nest, all of the Deinonychus in the area will immediately agro onto the player, showing a sense of honour and comradery that no other creature of its type is seen doing in the game.
  • Mook Commander: Like its close relative, the Raptors, the highest level pack member has a « pack boost » that gives it a certain degree of authority over other members of the pack.
  • Raised by Humans: Like Wyverns and Rock Drakes, you can only successfully tame one of these creatures by stealing one of its eggs in the wild, hatch it, and raise it yourself.
  • Raptor Attack: Slightly different from the other Raptor in-game, they still pounce on you as a means of ambush, but also latch onto many creatures, making this in particular, very hard to deal with.
  • Spanner in the Works: When latched onto another creature, it will slow down that creatures movement speed, making it a very annoying creature to deal with in the wild.
  • Wall Crawl: The hooked claws that it uses to latch onto prey can also be used in order to climb up walls and large-enough trees.

Ces Rock Elemental variants, unique to this ARK, are very much the same as their Scorched Earth counterparts, just having a different item to throw at people and located in their own unique biome; The Chalk Golems being located in the White Cliffs biome, and the Ice Golems being located in the Snow Desert biome.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: The Chalk Golem more so given its type, since the Ice Golem throws, well ice.
  • Elemental Embodiment: Of a different type than mainstream ones, being a specific kind of rock and state of water.
  • Fatal Flaw: While they are disguised as rocks, just like regular Rock Elementals, their disguises have something about them that gives them away; The Ice Golems’ rock form sticks out like a sore thumb since it has no snow covering it, and the Chalk Golems’ rock form has no moss on it, in a biome where every other type of rock does.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: The Chalk more so than the Ice (see Fatal Flaw above).
  • Palette Swap: Of regular Rock Elementals.
  • Underground Monkey: Of the other Rock Elementals, though there isn’t really anything special about them other than their colour palette.

Genesis Part 1

Occuring After the End of main storyline of the game (which ended with Extinction), Genesis is a simulation across 5 biomes in the form of mini-maps: Artic, Bog, Lunar, Ocean, and Volcano. Instead of Explorer Notes, the map contains « glitches », the information within which will be provided by HLNA, and missions that need to be completed to progress. There are several unique creatures within these biomes.The Astrocetus is a creature that dwells in the lunar biome of Genesis Part 1. It is rarely seen but highly sought after for its unique ability to warp short distances through space, destroying anything that gets in the way of said warp, something that makes it an excellent siege animal.

  • Extra Eyes: It’s got a total of 14 eyes (7 on each side of its head).
  • Flying Brick: It will smash through anything, especially during warp.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation:
    • Basic information on this creature states that it’s docile, yet getting close to it, accidental or not will get it to aggro on the player.
    • Information on Ambergris states that the Astrocetus regularly leaves it behind, since it appears on rocks instead.
  • Gentle Giant: It’s completely docile creature, unless you get too close to it.
  • In-Series Nickname: Going up to it in-game will display its name as Space Whale rather than Astrocetus.
  • Meaningful Name: Astrocetus just means « star whale ».
  • Mighty Glacier: As with any incredibly large creature in ARK, it has a ton of health but very slow.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Or rather multi-finned and dangerous: It has 4 pectoral fins, and 2 pelvic fins, far more than regular whales. Luckily, it isn’t always dangerous.
  • Not the Intended Use: While it can successfully swim in water, like a normal whale, it will do so at an incredibly reduced speed.
  • Power Glows: Every time it shoot from its blowhole, it will gain a short speed buff, which will be marked by its glowing fins as it gains more momentum.
  • Space Whale: ARK’s version of one, it’s even named as such in-game.
  • Teleportation: It can « warp » through space, which makes it an incredibly valuable tame.

A denizen of the Bog Biome, the Bloodstalker is a large spider-like creature that web swings its way across its home, waiting to suck the blood out of its prey. Its webbing ability means it can reel in any small to medium-sized creature.

  • Building Swing: Its most distinguishing ability. It can web as a means of getting around, or in order to grapple onto unsuspecting prey.
  • Giant Spider: Sort of, considering its multiple legs and webbing ability, though it’s more Mix-and-Match Critters (see below).
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: It has surprisingly good carry weight, it’s incredibly fast, and can traverse across any/all terrain, including water. All this mean that it can help the player with taming, egg stealing, cave exploration, and harvesting hard-to-reach resources.
  • Mix-and-Match Creatures: It has six squid-like legs that it uses to walk and crawl, and six mantis-like legs that it uses for eating, and it has the webbing ability of spiders.
  • Picky Eater: It’s a Sanguinivore, meaning it consumes blood only.
  • Super Not-Drowning Skills: It can walk on water, or it can submerge and swim with surprising efficiency. Its swimming motions seem to be based on those of feather stars.
  • Walk on Water: Its unique legs allow it to achieve this, allowing it to help the player harvest resources from the water.

Dwelling in the snow biome, the Ferox may seem like a cute, harmless creature at first, but upon consuming some Element, it transforms into a hulking monster, capable of challenging anything, at least until the effect of the element wears off and it returns to its normal size.

  • Addiction-Powered: If it’s fed enough Element, it will become addicted, and its personality will begin to change, which will make it a better battle mount.
  • Bizarre Alien Reproduction: Maximum Element addiction is required to breed Ferox.
  • Dual Mode Unit: It has its normal form, which is completely harmless, and its large form, which has far more uses (and dangers).
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Upon the consumption of Element, it will go from a harmless, adorable creature, to a hulking beast that can destroy anything in its path.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Its large form is both incredibly fast, and incredibly strong.
  • Meaningful Name: Its name in Latin can mean: wild, fierce, and arrogant. Can also be read as a portmanteau of « ferocious » and « fox ».
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: It has a total of six limbs, which it uses to full effect in both its forms.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: In its normal form. Its large form, not so much.
  • Wolf Man: Its large form resembles an enormous, multi-limbed werewolf.

These swarms patrol the Bog Biome, searching for a corpse to consume as soon as they see one.

  • Bug Buzz
  • No Name Given: They names are simply stated as Insect Swarm, and they don’t have a proper name as such.
  • The Swarm: It’s in their very name.
  • Zerg Rush: What they do when they set their sights on a corpse.

This magmatic reptile, found only in the Volcano Biome, and is totally dependent on the biome for its survival, with trips to the other biomes proving to be unsuitable for its physiology. It’s a formidable opponent and like the Pheonix from Scorched Earth can act as a forge and furnace, making it an incredibly desirable mount.

  • Charged Attack: The Searing Spit, which can be charged up and then launched a good distance away towards the desired target. Trying to hold the effect for the Spit for too long however, will result in a shrapnel attack, which can possible harm itself.
  • Kill It with Fire: Most of its attacks burn its opponents, meaning they are likely to burn to death.
  • Magma Man: It’s a reptile, with flesh upon it, that can survive and swim in lava.
  • Mundane Utility: Just like the Phoenix on Scorched Earth storing metal and meat in its inventory will get it to smelt and cook them respectively. Downplayed in that it can then use the metal for its searing spit.
  • Picky Eater: The babies can only be fed Ambergris, will one will have to mine off of the green rocks in the Lunar Biome.
  • Raised by Humans: Like the Wyverns and Rock Drakes before it, the player must steal an egg of a Magmasaur and raise the baby if they want to tame it. Unlike those, domestic Magmasaurs can then be bred.
  • Super Spit: It’s Searing Spit attack, which is Anti-Armor.
  • Unstoppable Rage: It can induce this by using its smoke effect on those nearby.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Due to being a magma-based creature, it’s vulnerable to any sort of low temperature, meaning one has to be careful when taking it out of the Volcano biome.
  • What Could Have Been: In-Universe example. HLNA states that it was originally supposed to be introduced in Scorched Earth but it was removed. This could be the reason as to why it drops Sulfur.

A resident of the Ocean Biome, this humungous terrapin can support an entire base on its back, and grow rare resources upon its shell, and despite its size and lack of speed and turning radius, it’s a very useful creature to have tamed.

  • Breath Weapon: Underwater, it has the ability to shoot a high pressured stream.
  • Extra Eyes: It has a total of 6 eyes on its head.
  • Mighty Glacier: Both in water and on land.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Subverted, despite having six legs, it’s largely harmless to due its slow speed.
  • Turtle Island: Players can use it as one, by building a base on its shell and just allowing it to surface on the water.
  • Underwater Base: As well as Turtle Island above, any structure on the shell, will be completely water-tight, allowing for a truly underwater base on a creature for the first time in ARK.
  • Walking Tank: When on land, due to its durability and speed.

The oceanic counterparts of the Insect Swarms, these schools of fish will attack anything on sight, making them incredibly hard to deal with when swimming in the Ocean Biome.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: They will do this to literally anything they see, player and creature alike.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: They seem to have characteristics from Parrotfish, Parakeets (it’s in their name) and some form of microbes (since that’s what they show up as when encountered).
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: These things are surprisingly strong for small creatures, and they require several hits to kill.
  • The Swarm: In the same way that the Insect Swarms are in the Bog Biome.
  • Zerg Rush: Their main tactic upon seeing any living thing.

Crystal Isles

The Wyverns of Crystal Isles are different from their cousins in that they can actually be tamed. Like other wyverns, they are powerful, fast flyers that can be ridden without a saddle and can breathe deadly blasts of elemental power at their foes. They come in three variants: Tropical, Blood and Ember.

  • Bioluminescence Is Cool: Their bodies, particularly their wing membranes, glow the same color as their skin. It’s very difficult to see during the day but they stand out very clearly in the dark.
  • Breath Weapon: Three variants — water, blood or fire — depending on the wyvern’s color.
  • Fragile Speedster: Compared to the standard Wyverns they are smaller, have less health and their bites do less damage but are much faster and have a quicker turning radius.
  • Gem Tissue: They have jutting out from their skin and is most prominent around the head and neck.
  • King Mook: There are an Alpha variant called « Heirs » that, like alphas, are larger, faster and stronger than the average variant.
  • Making a Splash: Tropical Crystal Wyverns have a water based breath attack that reduces health and stamina.
  • Our Wyverns Are Different: They are slightly smaller and less aggressive than previously mentioned wyvern types, and can be tamed and ridden as mounts. They come in several variants:
  • Picky Eater: Baby crystal wyverns will only eat Primal Crystals.
  • Playing with Fire: Ember Crystal Wyverns breathe fire.
  • The Power of Blood: Blood Crystal Wyverns’ breath attack inficts a short-lived drain status effect that damages the enemy and heals them.


A massive spider, she is the first of ARK’s « Ultimate Lifeforms », bosses summoned by the obelisks to challenge experienced survivors and tribes. She makes her lair under the green obelisk.

The second of the Ultimate Lifeforms, this massive silverback lairs under the blue obelisk with its army of apes.

The last of the Island’s Ultimate Lifeforms, this scaly, fire-breathing beast lives under the red obelisk with a legion of flying dinos. It also appears as a timed mount in the Survival of the Fittest tournament mode.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
  • Breath Weapon: It’s a dragon, so this is to be expected.
  • Dual Boss: Teams up with the Manticore sur Ragnarok. It teams up again with the Manticore et le Megapithecus sur Valguero.
  • Fireballs: Will alternate between spitting large balls of fire at you from a distance or trying to singe your face off with a large jet of brimstone.
  • Flunky Boss: It summons absolute swarms de Pteranodon et Dimorphodon.
  • Giant Flyer: Can fly as easily as a bird despite being bigger than a Giganotosaurus.
  • Kaiju: It’s one of the largest organisms in the game.
  • Lethal Lava Land: This is where you battle it.
  • Lightning Bruiser: The fastest of all of the bosses in the game, and possibly one of the strongest as well.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: It is an insanely massive monster that breathes fire and can be tamed for a short period of time. It resembles a typical European-style dragon, though.
  • Shout-Out: It is purple with orange wings.
  • Weapon of X-Slaying: It deals bonus damage to carnivores that it faces, so it’s better (strategically) to take high-damage herbivores in with you instead, such as Therizinosaurus.

Originally a fan-made joke creature, this abomination became real thanks to the Fear Evolved Halloween events. It is currently the most powerful boss in the game.

The endgame boss of the Island, this mysterious alien creature lives in a strange space station that monitors the ARKs, protected by legions of robotic drones. Its lair is only accessible from the Tek Cave, the game’s endgame dungeon.

  • Disc-One Final Boss: Despite apparently overseeing the entire ARK network, you defeat it very early on in the storyline, at the end of The Island.
  • Ditto Fighter: The Overseer’s true form is a swarm of nanites in the shape of an ARK crystal, but as it takes damage it will transform into a copy of each of the Island’s 3 Ultimate Lifeforms, each one with its own separate health bar.
  • Flunky Boss: It constantly summons Attack Drones and Defence Units to back it up during the fight.
  • Marathon Boss: The Overseer is basically 4 boss fights rolled into one, thanks to its Ditto Fighter ability.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: The Overseer is simply doing its job administrating the Island’s ARK system. However, you have to defeat it to escape the Island ARK and move on to the next ARK.

The only Ultimate Lifeform of Scorched Earth, this beast is the final challenge for a desert survivor or tribe.

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Not only can it sting you for massive torpor, its tail can fire large purple spines of tranquilizing venom.
  • Dual Boss: Fights alongside the Dragon sur Ragnarok. It teams up again with the Dragon, as well as the Megapithecus sur Valguero.
  • Flunky Boss: It starts the battle with a large number of deathworms as backup and multiple rock elementals lying in wait around its arena.
  • Our Manticores Are Spinier: Not man-faced, but otherwise true to the classic image — dragon wings, lion body, ram horns, and scorpion tail.

Le Scorched Earth counterpart to the Dodorex, appearing in the second Fear Evolved event.

The final boss of Aberration. See his entry in Past Survivors.

One of the three roaming Titans of Extinction; all three must be defeated to summon the game’s True Final Boss, the King Titan.

  • Flunky Boss: The Desert Titan is surrounded by a swarm of fliers known as the Flock that serve as its primary means of defense. They are capable of knocking humans off their flying mounts, spelling certain death for anyone without a glider, parachute, or TEK armor.
  • Living Ship: Beats the Quetzal hands down in this aspect with its massive platform saddle. It even has its own gravity field to help secure any loose objects or creatures on it while in motion.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: Basically the same size or slightly larger than the Titanosaur, previously the game’s largest lifeform by far.
  • Shock and Awe: Its primary weapon aside from its defensive flock is lightning, which it can make land on points in mid-air.
  • Space Whale: It’s basically a giant sky whale.

One of the three roaming Titans of Extinction; all three must be defeated to summon the game’s True Final Boss, the King Titan.

  • Flunky Boss: Inverted. The Forest Wyverns encountered in the same area as the Titan will actually help you fight it, and their ability to fly is crucial for defeating it.
  • Green Thumb: Can thrust its root fingers into the ground to pin opponents, or sprout protective thorns all over its body to reduce damage.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: A giant monster over twice the size of the Titanosaur, the game’s previously largest lifeform.
  • Walking Tank: If you manage to tame it, it comes with a small platform saddle that, while probably not large enough for a sophisticated siege base, can comfortably serve as a mobile home.
  • When Trees Attack: It’s almost literally a giant Middle-Earth Ent!

One of the three roaming Titans of Extinction; all three must be defeated to summon the game’s True Final Boss, the King Titan.

  • An Ice Person: Breathes a stream of frost.
  • Horns of Villainy: It has three horns on its head.
  • In a Single Bound: Can make ridiculously high and long jumps for its size.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: A giant monster over twice the size of the Titanosaur, the game’s previously largest lifeform.
  • Walking Tank: If tamed, it will automatically have a platform saddle attached. Given its mobility, this makes it a terrifyingly effective mobile base.

Also known as the King of Shadows and the King of Death, it’s the final boss of Extinction and thus the True Final Boss of the ARK storyline as a whole.

  • Flunky Boss: He spawns corrupted tumors that gradually evolve into stronger and stronger forms of Corrupted if they aren’t killed.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: One of a two-parter with Rockwell in the ARK storyline. The King Titan has the bigger effect of the 2, as his awakening and attack on humanity is what prompted the final push towards humanity’s non-corporeality and the creation of the ARKs.
  • I Have Many Names: As well as being called the King Titan, it’s also been called the King of Shadows, and the King of Death.
  • Kaiju: By far the largest organism in the game, being much larger than the other titans in the game.
  • Kill It with Fire: Can summon meteors and slam the ground with a fiery punch.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: The King of Shadows isn’t the Element Hive Mind, but it est the primary node of the Hive Mind, so destroying it will severely cripple Element’s control over the Corrupted.
  • No Ontological Inertia: Destroying it doesn’t completely eliminate Element, but it does weaken the Element infection sufficiently that the ARKs can land and their purification systems, combined with the armies that have evolved on them, can take care of the remaining Element on Earth. Until the Aberration ARK, still under Rockwell’s control, also crash-lands and brings a fresh Element infestation to Earth.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: Over two to three times as big as even the regular Titans, he’s over 900 feet tall and basically an Expy of Godzilla.
  • Weapon of X-Slaying: It deals 5 times more damage to the other Titans on Extinction.

The midway boss on Genesis Part 1, The Moeder is a gigantic fish capable of producing electrical attacks. It’s the first aquatic boss in any ARK.

The final boss of Genesis Part 1, who wants to use the Genesis program in order to farm and enslave the survivors entrapped in the program.

  • Contractual Boss Immunity: It’s completely immune to attack until the final stage.
  • Flunky Boss: It constantly summons corrupted avatars, dinotars and aerial drones, to attack you and make it hard for you to get the keys. These flunkies get much more powerful as the stage goes on.
  • Flying Face: Its form is a floating, immobile head. When you beat it, it shows the face of what is assumed is Rockwell.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Most of its lines involve belittling you and glorifying itself.
  • Orcus on His Throne: It simply hovers in its place as a disembodied head, being immune to attack much of the time, and summons minions to kill you.
  • Purple Is Powerful: It constantly glows purple.
  • Recurring Boss: He is in fact Rockwell, who escaped Aberration and hacked into the Genesis program, hence why the purple he shows is identical to that seen throughout Aberration.
  • Turns Red: It summons much more powerful avatars and dinotaurs in the later stages, when it begins to lose quite a bit of health.

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