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8 Things That Attract Mosquitoes - Guide Survie

8 Things That Attract Mosquitoes

 8 Things That Attract Mosquitoes

things that attract mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are not equal opportunity biters! Whether out in the woods, camping, hiking, or at home in the backyard, some people seem to actually attract mosquitoes! They are constantly bit while others not so much. Why is that?

(UPDATED 2020)
I first posted this article during 2013. It has been popular on search-engines every since. It’s that time of year once again (mosquito season), so I’m re-publishing for your information.


Avoid these things:

1. Dark Colors

Wearing dark clothes will attract mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can see and use their vision to locate targets from a distance. Most of their day-to-day targets will be found in the shade or within foliage, so they are naturally attracted to dark colors. This means that they will be more attracted to people wearing dark clothing than people wearing light clothing. Ask me how I know this!

Tip: I’m not kidding, this is what I use, it’s better, safer than DEET in my opinion! Reviewed by Consumer Reports in its list of safe insect repellents, effective up 14 hours!
20% Picaridin Lotion

No smell! Not as ‘greasy’ as DEET spray:
20% Picaridin Spray

2. Fragrances

Are mosquitoes attracted to perfume? Yes, fragrances are known to attract mosquitoes. Avoid perfume, cologne, perfumed shampoos, hand creams, soaps, fabric softeners, detergent, etc. Switch to as many unscented products as you can during the summer to avoid the mosquito bite.

3. Movement

Moving around will attract mosquitoes. They can see their victims from within 30 feet by locating the changes in waves of light around them, caused by moving objects.

Tip: Extremely effective for on clothing, will not stain or damage clothes, fabrics, plastics, finished surfaces, or outdoor gear, lasts up to 6 weeks (or 6 washings) :
Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Spray

Another tip! I spray Permethrin on my hat – really helps keep mosquitoes from biting my head area. I also spray my clothes if working outdoors while mosquitoes are biting.

4. Sweat

Perspiring will attract mosquitoes because they need water to reproduce, and they are naturally attracted to areas with higher humidity levels. This includes people who are sweating. Perspiration will also dilute any mosquito repellents that you might have applied; making you more attractive to mosquitoes.

5. Carbon Dioxide

Your breathing! This is a big attractant – maybe the biggest. Your exhaled breath will attract mosquitoes big time. Mosquitoes are attracted by areas that are higher in carbon dioxide (living-breathing animals, humans). I’ve read that a mosquito can ‘see’ carbon dioxide from 200 yards away!

Tip: Natural insect repellent, effective up to 6 hours:
Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent

6. Body Heat

Mosquitoes have sophisticated heat sensors. They will be attracted to  circulating blood in animals and humans – their heat. They follow body heat and exhaled gases and fly to their target!

7. Lactic Acid

It’s produced by our bodies after we exercise or after we eat certain types of food that are high in salt or potassium. Someone who is sitting outside eating pretzels and a banana will attract more mosquitoes than someone who is sitting outside eating watermelon.

Exercising causes your body to do three things that will make it attract mosquitoes. You are breathing harder, meaning you are exhaling more carbon dioxide; you are sweating, which increases the humidity around your body; and you are releasing more lactic acid. You might as well be wearing a neon sign asking all mosquitoes to bite you.

8. Urine

Does urine attract mosquitoes? Yes, urine attracts mosquitoes. Take care of this business further away from your camp (for example)…

Tip: Keep mosquitoes out of water fountains, water troughs, bird baths, rain barrels, lasts up to 30 days:

Mosquito Dunks

[ Read: Mosquito Control (How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes) ][ Read: (How to use Permethrin on your clothes) ]

What are your own experiences with what works or doesn’t work for mosquitoes?

Are you a mosquito magnet?

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