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Top 50 Survival and Preparedness Blogs - Guide Survie

Top 50 Survival and Preparedness Blogs

 Top 50 Survival and Preparedness Blogs

Mac Slavo
February 3rd, 2011

Comments (39)

Survival Top 50 recently posted their updated list of the top preparedness, survival and disaster blogs.

We found the list to be quite extensive and inclusive of some of the best resources for preparedness planning on the internet. The websites have been ranked using a variety of metrics, including Google Pagerank, Incoming Links, and the Alexa Traffic ranking algorithm. Though these rankings don’t necessarily determine quality of content or regularity of publishing, the fact that they have a high volume of visitors and incoming links suggests that people visiting the web sites find the information of benefit and consider the content to be informative and worthy of links from their own blogs or social network pages.

Ranked starting from the #1 position:

  1. Survival Blog
  2. The Survivalist Blog
  3. In Case Of Emergency, Read Blog
  4. American Preppers Network
  5. The Survival Podcast
  6. Survival Topics
  7. Red Alerts: The American Survival Blog
  8. Be A Survivor
  9. SHTF Plan (Boo-Ya! We broke the Top 10 thanks to all of our regular visitors, contributors and new readers! A big SHOUT OUT and HAT TIP to all of you!)
  10. Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest
  11. Preparedness Pantry
  12. The Survival & Emergency Preparedness Blog
  13. Keep It Simple Survival
  14. Pioneer Survival Blog
  15. Off Grid Survival
  16. The Survival Mom
  17. Daily Survival
  18. Stealth Survival
  19. The Just In Case Book Blog
  20. Adventures in Self Reliance

We recommend visiting Survival Top 50 for the complete list. There’s some extensive information out there for those willing to spend the time to research and implement. Everything you need to prepare for scenarios ranging from natural disasters to a complete collapse of the system as we know it is available to you – for free.

If you have a favorite survival, preparedness, or alternative news web site, please feel free to post it in the comments section below.

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Mac Slavo
Date: February 3rd, 2011

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